Oct 9


Schumer to EPA: finish radioactive cleanups

U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer called on the federal Environmental Protection Agency to finish the $11 million clean up of radioactive hotspots in Niagara County.

Investigative Post reported in August that the EPA abruptly left the county without finishing the work. That story caught the attention of Schumer, who was in Lewiston on Monday to urge the EPA to return to clean up the “invisible stain of radioactive waste.”

“This is EPA’s job, they shouldn’t be backing away from it, they shouldn’t leave homeowners like Mr. Wade in the lurch,” Schumer said.

Left in limbo are property owners in Niagara Falls and Lewiston, like Harry Wade, who was told by Environmental Protection Agency officials that the program that funds the work had run out of money. Wade’s driveway is contaminated and he lives across the street from the radioactive hotspot at Holy Trinity Cemetery.

“There’s no way any one of us can sell our house,” Wade said.

“It’s basically worthless until this is resolved.”

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Investigative Post