Feb 20
About this blog

by Jim Heaney, editor of Investigative Post
There’s straight reporting, which I’ll do a lot of for Investigative Post. Witness my analysis of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s $1 billion plan to revitalize the regional economy.
Then there’s blogging. I loved blogging for The Buffalo News.
Blogging allows reporters to write in their natural voice. Most editors pride themselves in beating the voice out of their reporters in news stories. Blogging gives reporters their voice back. I got my voice back with a vengeance, and with it, a fair number of news tips from readers.
During the two years I wrote Outrages & Insights my posts generated nearly 1 million page views while winning kudos that included best daily newspaper blog in the state in 2010 as voted by the New York State Publishers Association.
My intent with my new vehicle is to produce a “reported” blog that draws on what I’ve learned in my 25 years of covering this town and what I pick up as I continue my reporting. More often than not, I’ll write a stand-alone blog. Sometimes, when I produce a major investigative piece or analysis, I’ll write a companion blog as a way to compliment the straight reporting.
I’m not certain how often I’ll blog. At least two or three times a week, perhaps more often. It will depend on my workload heading up Investigative Post.
I’m hoping you’ll read, comment and suggest topics for me to expound on.