Nov 15


Perfect day to start recycling

News and analysis by Dan Telvock, Investigative Post's environmental reporter

Today is the perfect day to start recycling if you haven’t already.

Why? Because it is America Recycles Day.

This morning, the Buffalo Recycling Alliance gave an award to the Community Charter School on Edison Avenue, which I mentioned in this article about the city school system’s challenges with boosting recycling in all of the schools.

About 25 students were in attendance for the award and then there was an assembly on recycling at the school for all elementary students. There was a lot of excitement in the room as the students realized they were being recognized for recycling.

“Not everyone is doing as well as you guys,” said Brian Smith of the Citizens Campaign for the Environment. “But you’re setting an example for other people to follow.”

Andy Prinzing, assistant principal at Community Charter School (back left), stands with two students and Erie County Recycling Mascot Willie Waste-Less to accept a recycling award today.

Andy Prinzing, the assistant principal at Community Charter School, said the school wasn’t recycling when he was hired last summer. He made a quick call to Modern Corporation and the result was the school reduced its waste by 50 percent and saved at least $3,000 per year on its garbage bill.

“The Buffalo Recycling Alliance is calling on other Buffalo schools to follow the example set forth by Community Charter,” Smith said. “The success at Community Charter demonstrates that with some education and determination, schools can quickly implement an effective recycling program.”


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