Apr 16
Bye-bye, Dug’s Dive
The owner of the popular waterfront restaurant on the Outer Harbor tells Investigative Post he is pulling out at the end of the season.
Tucker Curtin said he and the Tennessee-based company selected by the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corp. to manage the marina and adjoining land at the Small Boat Harbor don’t see eye to eye on how the property should be redeveloped.
“We don’t think the vision down there is congruent with what we’re looking to do,” Curtin said Wednesday at a forum on the Outer Harbor hosted by Investigative Post, the latest in its “At Issue” series.
But Darby Campbell of Safe Harbor Development said he has yet to formulate a vision.
“I came up there to run a marina and a restaurant, enhance it and rebuilt it and make it better,” he said.
Curtin said he will search for a new waterfront location for Dug’s Dive, hopefully somewhere along the Outer Harbor. While expressing disappointment, he said “I’m ready to move on.”
Campbell said his concept for the Small Boat Harbor includes restaurants, a hotel, some residential and possible amusement park type rides to attract non-boaters.