Jan 31
Latest Urban League developments

Reporting, analysis and commentary
by Jim Heaney, editor of Investigative Post
by Jim Heaney, editor of Investigative Post
The transgressions of the Buffalo Urban League – submitting inflated bills to Erie County, failing to train employees, retaliating against whistleblowers – is an issue that Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz and fellow Democrats on the County Legislature are wishing would go away. But it’s not.
A critical audit issued in December by County Comptroller Stefan Mychajli was the topic of a hearing Thursday in which Republicans and Democrats clashed. Later in the day, Investigative Post reported the Acting District Attorney Michael Flaherty is reviewing the audit to determine if there are grounds to launch a criminal investigation.
Jim Heaney discusses these developments with Steve Brown in the latest edition of Outrages & Insights.