Dec 14
Investigative Post’s top stories of 2016
It’s time to take stock of our reporting for 2016 – and it’s been quite a year for Investigative Post.
Our reporting over the past two years involving the Buffalo Billion program triggered an investigation by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara that resulted in the indictment this fall of nine state officials and business executives, including nanotech guru Alain Kaloyeros and Louis Ciminelli, one of Buffalo’s most successful business owners and political powers.
Other work has had impact as well, most notably reporting by Dan Telvock on the city’s lead poisoning crisis. After a lot of hemming and hawing, city and county officials took steps to address the problem.
Investigative Post’s reporting was honored in a half-dozen journalism and other award competitions.
In a minute I’ll ask readers to vote for their top story of the year, but first, here’s a list of the most-viewed stories on our website for 2016. Two environmental stories involving Niagara County were far and away the most viewed; much of the rest of the list involved ongoing coverage of the Buffalo Billion and its assorted scandals.
Most viewed stories, in rank order, were:
- Radioactive hotspots pepper Niagara County
- Landfill with Love Canal legacy still poses danger
- SolarCity slashes Buffalo job commitments
- Another MayDay! for SolarCity
- Looking for lead (in all the wrong places)
- More dubious Buffalo Billion dealings
- Second Buffalo Billion deal benefits Ciminelli
- Cuomo’s MO enables corruption
- Yet more bad news on SolarCity
- Record losses at SolarCity
So much for traffic. Below is my list, from an editor’s perspective, on our best stories of the year. They’re listed in no particular order.
- Second Buffalo Billion deal benefits Ciminelli
- Looking for lead (in all the wrong places)
- Tempting a Ferguson in Buffalo
- Landfill with Love Canal legacy still poses danger
- More dubious Buffalo Billion dealings
- Radioactive hotspots pepper Niagara County
- Buffalo trade unions lacking in diversity
- Buffalo Billion program at Daemen struggles
- Lead poisoning worse then previously disclosed
- SolarCity slashes Buffalo job commitments
Now, it’s your turn. Vote in the poll below for your top story among the candidates listed immediately above.
Which was your favorite story of 2016?
- Looking for lead (in all the wrong places) (33%, 40 Votes)
- Second Buffalo Billion deal benefits Ciminelli (27%, 33 Votes)
- Tempting a Ferguson in Buffalo (9%, 11 Votes)
- Landfill with Love Canal legacy still poses danger (8%, 10 Votes)
- Lead poisoning worse then previously disclosed (7%, 8 Votes)
- Radioactive hotspots pepper Niagara County (5%, 6 Votes)
- More dubious Buffalo Billion dealings (4%, 5 Votes)
- Buffalo trade unions lacking in diversity (2%, 3 Votes)
- SolarCity slashes Buffalo job commitments (2%, 3 Votes)
- Buffalo Billion program at Daemen struggles (2%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 121

You’re permitted to vote only once. We’ll post the results right around the first of the year. So, what do you think our best story of the year is?