Dec 11
Vote for iPost story of the year
Investigative Post continued to produce hard-hitting investigations in 2018. We’ll leave it up to you readers to decide which was the best one.
Editor Jim Heaney has selected what he considers our best enterprise stories. Links are below, followed by a poll. You’re permitted to vote just once.
We’ll post the results the first week of January.
Buffalo Billion project falls short of mark
Buffalo not enforcing its fair housing law
Safety ignored in police diver drowning
OTB board members receive gold-plated perks
High cost of teacher health insurance
Neighbors oppose landfill expansion
IBM’s dysfunctional call center
Which was your favorite story of 2018?
- Safety ignored in police diver drowning (30%, 18 Votes)
- Buffalo Billion project falls short of mark (15%, 9 Votes)
- Buffalo not enforcing its fair housing law (15%, 9 Votes)
- Neighbors oppose landfill expansion (12%, 7 Votes)
- Pegula’s back fracking (10%, 6 Votes)
- IBM’s dysfunctional call center (8%, 5 Votes)
- OTB board members receive gold-plated perks (7%, 4 Votes)
- High cost of teacher health insurance (3%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 60