Jun 25


Ali Ingersoll tells WGRZ about brutality claim

The legal action alleges racial profiling and excessive use of force involving two white cops and a black motorist

Ali Ingersoll spoke with Michael Wooten and Maryalice Demler on WGRZ about a May 10 altercation between two white Buffalo police officers and an African American man who filed a notice of claim Thursday alleging brutality.

As Investigative Post previously reported, Quentin Suttles, 30, was pulled over by Officers Ronald Ammerman and Michael Scheu as he drove the wrong way down a one-way street by East Eagle and Madison streets. The stop escalated into a tussle between Suttles and the officers, and a witness shot a video that showed Ammerman repeatedly punching Suttles in the face.

Suttles, who suffered a broken eye socket and scapula, was charged with felony destruction of physical evidence, misdemeanor charges of resisting arrest and obstruction of governmental administration, and two traffic violations. The incident is being investigated by the Erie County District Attorney and the Police Department’s Internal Affairs unit. Meanwhile, Ammerman and Scheu remain on the job.

Video from one of the officer’s body cams indicates they searched Suttles after smelling marijuana. The search ensured despite an order last year from Mayor Byron Brown that established marijuana arrests as the department’s lowest law enforcement priority. The mayor followed up earlier this month with a dictate that the smell of marijuana should no longer be grounds for conducting a search of a vehicle or house.

The notice of claim, a precursor to a lawsuit, was filed by attorney Joshua Ramos. It alleges racial profiling and excessive use of force. The claim names the two officers, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, the Police Department and the City of Buffalo. 

Protesters are planning a mass call to action Friday, asking that Ammerman and Scheu be removed from their jobs and criminally charged.

Community members weighed in Thursday night after viewing the video. 

“I prepared to watch the brute force used, but watching it was worse than I expected,” said Danielle Johnson, a Buffalo activist. 

Investigative Post