Dec 17
Monday Morning Read
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Politicians have pointed to the creation of 50,000 good paying jobs to justify the massive $6.4 billion subsidy of a planned microchip factory north of Syracuse. The Syracuse Post-Standard put those claims under the microscope and found direct employment would be a lot less. A whole lot less.
The biggest chunk of new workers would be government employees – great – and many others would be waiters, bus drivers and hotel and day care workers – not necessarily full-time and certainly not good paying.
Mind you, a lot of direct jobs will be created. But not nearly what the politicians would have us believe.
Jeffrey Gundlach, the billionaire who added his name to the Albright-Knox Art Gallery when he donated money to renovate and expand it, inserted his foot into his mouth Friday. He decried on Twitter an ongoing effort by museum workers to unionize, saying it could result in the Albright-Knox closing because of increased operating costs. Yeah, right.
Meanwhile, the museum has yet to give the boot to board members Michael Joseph and his wife, Roberta. You may recall his company is being sued on allegations it steers its housing developments away from neighborhoods with Black residents.
Ben Tsujimoto of The Buffalo News wrote a really good story on the problems plaguing Club Marcella, the scene of several shootings in recent months. Police recently shut the club down, citing the violence.
Politics and Other Stuff makes the case for why local journalism is vital to democracy and why it is deserving of community support. (Hint, hint.)
The Albany based Museum of Political Corruption has added five to its Hall of Shame. Inductees this year include Sheldon Silver and George Santos.
The owner of the Washington pro hockey and basketball teams is leaving D.C. for nearby Alexandrea, Virginia. Much like I reported last week, the new arena he will build is part of a larger development effort, as opposed to Terry Pegula’s stand-alone suburban football stadium. What’s that about trends coming to Buffalo late?
An op-ed in The Washington Post declared the current edition of Congress “the most ineffective session of Congress in nearly a century — and quite possibly in all of American history. The year began with chaos and incompetence. It ended with chaos and incompetence. In between were self-created crises and shocking moments of fratricide — interspersed with more chaos and incompetence.”
The author has facts and figures to back up his argument. An insightful read.
Republicans and Democrats agree: the upcoming presidential election will be pivotal for our democracy. But for different reasons.
What a Trump presidency would mean for a free press: “We don’t put reporters in jail for telling the truth or for giving their opinions. But Trump would.”
The latest from the Pew Research Center: Bidens’s low approval ratings and the disdain many Republicans, especially Trumpers, have for compromise.
From Politico: What we lose if Putin wins in Ukraine.
Deadspin looks at sports through an irreverent, and often humorous, lens. Last week, it took aim at the Kansas City Chiefs in the wake of their loss to the Bills and the hissy fit thrown by quarterback Patrick Mahones. Deadspin describes them as “whiny, self-entitled, overexposed babies.” LOL.