Jul 1


Investigative Post teaming up with Channel 7

Our 12-year partnership with Channel 2 is over. We're excited about a fresh start with WKBW's energetic newsroom.

Investigative Post has had a very good 12-year run with Channel 2. It’s over.

Starting this week, you’ll find us on 7 News. Our reporters will periodically discuss their work with Michael Wooten on his Voices newscast at 5:30 p.m. WKBW will also incorporate our reporters into stories they produce for which we have subject matter expertise.

I have a deep appreciation for how the previous management at Channel 2 helped put Investigative Post on the map when we launched in 2012. We forged a strong working relationship based on our shared commitment to investigative reporting. All that  changed the past two years under WGRZ’s new management team. 

I’m excited about our fresh start with Channel 7. I like the station’s energy and we had a very good working relationship with Wooten when he worked at Channel 2 anchoring Town Hall.

Working with Channel 7 is a bit of a homecoming for me. Back in college, I took a class from Irv Weinstein and he granted me an internship the summer of 1976. It was my first full-time gig in the news business and a great experience.

Again, you can follow our work on Channel 7 and our appearances will be posted on  our website

Investigative Post

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