Articles for Charlotte Keith

Dec 22


Charlotte Keith talks Urban League on WBFO

Charlotte Keith discusses her recent story on malfeasance at the Buffalo Urban League on her inaugural appearance on WBFO’s Press Pass. Keith first broke the story a year ago, which was followed by a critical audit by the county comptroller that was released two weeks ago.

Posted 9 years ago

Dec 9


Audit: Urban League bilked taxpayers

An audit by the Erie County Comptroller has confirmed allegations leveled a year ago by social workers at the Buffalo Urban League that their employer charged the county tens of thousands of dollars for work never performed. Among the abuses: bills claiming some employees worked as many as 170 hours in a single day. The audit also found the Urban League tried to stonewall investigators and retaliated against the whistleblowers who brought the problems to the comptroller’s attention. All eight have now left the agency – either fired or effectively forced out of their jobs. The Department of Social Services,[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Nov 25


Our diversity report on WBFO

Charlotte Keith reports on hiring of construction workers at SolarCity project. While contractors and unions are meeting 15 percent affirmative action hiring goals, African Americans account for only about one-third of those workers. Some African American leaders maintain the pipeline of unionized workers needs to be more diversified. Web and television story can be found here.

Posted 9 years ago

Nov 24


Diversity, but few jobs for African Americans

Diversity hiring goals set for the construction of the SolarCity plant in South Buffalo have not translated into a lot of jobs for African-American workers. While African Americans make up an increasing share of the project’s workforce, they accounted for only 5.7 percent of those on the job for the quarter ending this September, an Investigative Post analysis found. That’s in a city that’s almost 40 percent African-American and a county with a workforce that’s 11 percent black, according to the state Department of Labor. The project is nevertheless meeting its minority workforce goal of 15 percent, largely through the[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Oct 14


Updated Buffalo Billion diversity numbers

Figures released Wednesday by developer LPCiminelli show diversity hiring goals are being met on the construction of SolarCity’s plant at Riverbend. The goals call for minorities to work 15 percent, and women to work 5 percent, of hours on the project. The numbers released Wednesday show 16 percent of the hours to date been worked by minorities and 6 percent by women. The disclosure comes after Investigative Post reported that the minority hiring goal on the project was lowered from the 25 percent originally announced to 15 percent. State officials now say the higher goal was only “aspirational.” The change in the goals[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Oct 9


Protestors want more diversity at Riverbend

Protesters from local community groups gathered outside the SolarCity construction site in South Buffalo to call for a return to the 25 percent minority workforce goal originally floated for the project. As Investigative Post reported last week, that goal was agreed to when the city sold the land for the factory to the state, and publicly announced in two press releases. But a more recent agreement between developer LPCiminelli and the construction unions established instead a goal of 15 percent. State officials now say the higher goal was purely “aspirational” and that the revised goals are being met. Erie County[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Oct 5


State says lower Riverbend goal being met

The state released figures Monday related to the employment of minority construction workers at the SolarCity plant that they had previously refused to disclose. The release follows a report last week by Investigative Post that showed it was unclear whether the project’s diversity hiring goals were being met. Those figures show that minorities have done 16.2 percent of work on the site from the start of construction in May 2014 through July this year, based on the number of hours worked. Investigative Post had earlier reported that minorities made up 6 percent of the workforce from the start of construction through[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Oct 1


Podcast on SolarCity construction

Charlotte Keith discusses how she reported her story on the lack of minority hiring at the SolarCity construction project in South Buffalo. Part of the challenge in reporting the story, she told Editor Jim Heaney, was the refusal of state officials to answer questions or provide public records in a timely fashion.

Posted 9 years ago
Investigative Post