Dan Telvock

Dan Telvock is Investigate Post's environmental reporter. A native of the Finger Lakes region, he was an award-winning newspaper reporter in Virginia for 13 years, including stints at The Free Lance-Star in Fredericksburg and The Winchester Star, before joining Investigative Post. He founded and operated The Landry Hat, a blog that covered the Dallas Cowboys, from 2005 to 2008, while also working as a reporter.

Dec 20


The Great Lakes are stressing out

This map shows a sea of red off of Buffalo and many other Rust Belt cities where environmental stressors are harming the nation’s largest fresh water source, the Great Lakes. People can heed the data and maps as a warning — the red doesn’t mean death, but it helps point people to where the focus needs to be to reverse the impacts of these environmental stressors, said the chief researcher for the project,  J. David Allen, a professor of aquatic sciences at the University of Michigan’s School of Natural Resources and Environment. Other Great Lakes experts might argue that the places[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Dec 13


Vegetarians attack Buffalo’s chicken

Those traveling to the Bills-Jaguars game on Dec. 2 may have seen the billboard on McKinley Parkway: “It’s a crapshoot: Feces taints 50% of Buffalo Chicken.” I hope you didn’t throw your chicken wings out the window after seeing the billboard because there’s another side to the story that the billboard sponsors aren’t telling us. Read on. The billboard came from the nonprofit Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, which advocates for vegetarian lifestyles and “encourages higher standards for ethics and effectiveness in research.” The Buffalo findings were posted on the group’s website on Nov. 29. Out of the hundreds of[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Dec 12


A snapshot of the homeless in Buffalo area

The snapshot of homelessness that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development released today shows a slight decline in the total population of homeless people in the United States for a single day in January 2012. “Our local numbers sort of mirror the national numbers,” said Dale Zuchlewski, the executive director of the Homelessness Alliance of Western New York. But that doesn’t mean Zuchlewski is breathing a sigh of relief. The Buffalo/Erie County Continuum of Care reported 120 chronically homeless people on that January day, down from 129 in 2011. Another positive that Zuchlewski pointed out is that the number[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Dec 7


EPA moves to ban boat sewage in Lake Erie

Gross as it is, boaters have been able to pump out their sewage into Lake Erie, but this may soon come to an end. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released a statement today “tentatively” determining that there are plenty of pump-out stations around Lake Erie that allow for boats to remove the sewage in a more environmentally friendly way.  The federal agency wants to ban boats from pumping out the sewage into the lake based on a proposal from the state Department of Environmental Conservation. “This proposal will help protect water quality and marine life in Lake Erie for years[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Nov 28


Texting out idling trucks around Peace Bridge

More light may be shed on just how big of a problem idling trucks are for the Lower West Side. The Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo and the Clean Air Coalition of WNY launched a program this week called Grow 716 that allows people to text a six-digit number whenever they see an idling heavy-duty engine truck or bus in the Lower West Side. The foundation provided the technology and the Clean Air Coalition will be responsible for the outreach campaign. This is how it works: If you see an idling truck in the Lower West Side, text TRUCK to[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Nov 26


Can fracking threaten the Great Lakes?

It is against the law to drill for natural gas under the Great Lakes, but that doesn’t mean they are safe. Lois Gibbs, an environmental activist famous for leading the charge to clean up the Love Canal in Niagara Falls, points out that it is still legal to drill for natural gas underneath rivers, streams and creeks that feed into the Great Lakes. Gibbs says the natural gas industry is already starting hydrofracking around the Great Lakes. “This is insane,” she wrote. “It’s unbelievable, hundreds of chemicals injected all around our fresh water lakes that both the U.S. and Canada have[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Nov 21


Become an environmental crime stopper

Polluting a stream and getting away with it? Violating the Clean Air Act without detection? Now, anyone with a smartphone can help bust abusers of the environment. New York State Crime Stoppers announced a new phone app that makes it very easy for people to instantly report environmental crimes to the appropriate agency. Cellfare created the app in collaboration with Crime Stoppers, Waterkeeper Alliance, state police and local law enforcement agencies across the state. Not only is there an “Environmental Tip Submit” button, but users can also send tips of other criminal activity, such as robberies and assaults. I just downloaded the app and gave[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Nov 20


‘SUNY is not for sale’ to oil and gas

Kevin Connor, the co-director of the watchdog group Public Accountability Initiative, said on his website today that the University at Buffalo sent a strong message to the oil and gas industry on Monday when it pulled the plug on its embattled Shale Resources and Society Institute. “SUNY is not for sale,” Connor wrote. The shale institute released a study in May that was favorable to hydrofracking, which is the practice of using water and other chemicals to dig deep into dense shale formations underground for natural gas. But Connor’s watchdog group found numerous inaccuracies in the study. He also said[...]

Posted 12 years ago
Investigative Post