Articles for Geoff Kelly

Mar 13


Hit-and-run narcotics chief a prolific political donor

Erie County Sheriff John Garcia (left) and Chief of Narcotics Daniel J. Granville (right) at a press conference Tuesday. Photo courtesy 7 News. Daniel J. Granville — the Erie County Sheriff’s chief of narcotics who last April plowed his county-owned pickup truck into at least seven parked cars on Buffalo’s West Side — is a prolific donor to local politicians. So is his wife, former Buffalo police crime scene technician who now works for the Buffalo Sewer Authority.  And so is his sister-in-law, the Buffalo police lieutenant who supervised the police response to the accident scene — and who is now[...]

Posted 2 weeks ago

Mar 11


Coverup of hit-and-run by county’s narcotics chief?

Last April, the Erie County Sheriff’s chief of narcotics, while driving a county-owned vehicle late at night, struck at least seven parked cars on Buffalo’s West Side, several of them as he drove the wrong way down a one-way street.  Chief Daniel J. Granville — who goes by DJ — was driving “in an impaired condition,” according to one of a half-dozen claims that so far have cost county taxpayers $60,000 to settle.  But the accident report generated by the Buffalo cops who responded to the incident gives no indication Granville, 47, was tested for alcohol, drugs or other impairments[...]

Posted 2 weeks ago

Mar 6


Two judges demoted, another retires

Two local judges were relieved of their administrative duties last week, suddenly and without replacements lined up in advance, prompting much gossip in the legal community.  Coincidentally, a third judge resigned — opening a vacancy to be filled temporarily by appointment and then long-term in November’s general election. Chief Administrative Judge Kevin Carter last Tuesday was removed from his role overseeing court operations in the Eighth Judicial District, which comprises the eight counties of Western New York. At the same time, Erie County Judge Susan Eagan was removed from her post as supervising criminal judge. Eagan will remain on the[...]

Posted 3 weeks ago

Feb 26


Scanlon campaign again violates ethics laws

Buffalo Acting Mayor Chris Scanlon. For the second time since he took office in October, Acting Mayor Chris Scanlon’s campaign violated local, state and federal codes prohibiting the use of public resources to advance political campaigns. From early December until this morning, two of three social media links at the bottom of the City of Buffalo’s governmental website connected to Scanlon campaign accounts. A spokesperson for the mayor said the links had been “fixed” after Investigative Post sought comment on the matter. But for nearly three months, the Instagram and Twitter links at the bottom of the city’s homepage connected[...]

Posted 4 weeks ago

Feb 25


Something else City Hall fails to do

The light pole at Niagara and Garfield streets that fell in a windstorm in February 2019, injuring Donald Anderson. Donald Anderson in February 2019 was walking through a windstorm to his job at a Riverside tavern when a city streetlight — “badly corroded” and past its “usable life,” according to expert testimony — fell and hit him on his head. “Next thing I remember I woke up and I was covered in blood, people were all around me and I didn’t know what was going on,” Anderson testified in a deposition for a lawsuit he filed the following year. Buffalo’s[...]

Posted 4 weeks ago

Feb 21


Good news, bad news for Buffalo finances

One-shot revenues and belt-tightening efforts have erased the deficit Buffalo’s government faced in the fall, but expensive legal settlements and overtime costs threaten to derail that progress. The city’s finance commissioner in December reported the city was running an $18 million deficit just three months into the financial year, which began July 1. That’s because Byron Brown’s administration had all but emptied the city’s reserves to plug unanticipated shortfalls in the previous year’s spending plan. Acting Mayor Chris Scanlon and the Common Council had planned to use those reserves to balance the current budget. To address the resulting deficit, Scanlon[...]

Posted 1 month ago

Feb 18


In legal hot water again

Erie County is suing a member of a now largely inactive local right-wing militant organization for “deceptive and illegal business practices.” The lawsuit, filed last week by the Erie County Attorney, accuses Wayne Michalak and his company, WNY Backyard Enclosures, of bilking property owners out of “thousands of dollars in advance payment from consumers for home improvement services which he did not provide and/or complete.” The county attorney wants the courts to ban Michalak and his company “permanently” from the home improvement business or, as an alternative, require him to post a $100,000 performance bond before entering into any future[...]

Posted 1 month ago

Feb 13


“Detective Hy was repeatedly discourteous and unprofessional”

The state attorney general over the past four years has investigated 10 Buffalo police officers repeatedly accused of misconduct. The investigations found “no pattern” of misconduct by six of those officers, and in two other cases the inquiries were dropped because the officers left the force.  Twice, however, the attorney general’s investigators threw penalty flags. The latest cop to be scrutinized: Detective Richard Hy, who has been a notorious figure for much of his 13-year career. “Detective Hy was repeatedly discourteous and unprofessional during encounters with civilians and escalated the encounters, including by using physical force,” Tyler Nims, head of[...]

Posted 1 month ago
Investigative Post