Articles for J. Dale Shoemaker

Oct 22


City loan has not stabilized Braymiller Market

Story updated 10:34 a.m. Oct. 24. A year after the City of Buffalo threw Braymiller Market a half-million dollar lifeline, the downtown grocery store continues to struggle financially. For a third year in a row, records show that owner Stuart Green is months behind on his city tax payments.  That failure to pay $8,119 in taxes, half the annual bill, prompted the Erie County Industrial Development Agency to warn him Sept. 10 and again last week that the property tax abatement it granted him in 2019 could be revoked. On Wednesday, IDA leaders said they were prepared to begin the[...]

Posted 5 months ago

Oct 9


A literal power struggle at STAMP

Gov. Kathy Hochul, center, flings dirt into the air at Plug Power’s groundbreaking. Photo via governor’s office. The financial strife of Plug Power is causing headaches for a Western New York industrial park, leading economic development officials in Genesee County to seek state assistance and even court data centers in an effort to “save the day.” As it’s run dangerously low on cash, Plug Power has stopped construction of its hydrogen production plant at Genesee County’s Science Technology and Advanced Manufacturing Park, located halfway between Buffalo and Rochester. The company’s building has been paused since January. That has meant construction[...]

Posted 6 months ago

Oct 3


Lifetime health insurance for OTB’s departing Wojtaszek

When Henry Wojtaszek, the president and CEO of Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corp., steps down at the end of the year, he’ll take a gold-plated health insurance plan with him. The plan features no deductibles, a $25 copay for doctor, specialist and testing visits and drug copays between $5 and $40. Wojtaszek, according to the buyout agreement obtained by Investigative Post, can participate in one of two plans beginning Jan. 1. Wojtaszek’s employment contract states both he and his family can participate in the insurance plan. The buyout agreement lists no date for when Wojtaszek’s ability to use the health[...]

Posted 6 months ago

Oct 2


Nepotism involving OTB boss Wojtaszek

OTB President and CEO Henry Wojtaszek, left, Chairman Dennis Bassett, center, and Wojtaszek’s son, Jack, right, during a golf outing last month. Facebook photo.  Henry Wojtaszek’s Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corp. has hired his 23-year old son for a job paying $52,000 annually. The hiring of Jack Wojtaszek comes as the elder Wojtaszek plans to step down as OTB’s president and CEO on Dec. 31. A copy of Jack Wojtaszek’s application for a state gaming license, which he submitted in June, shows the North Tonawanda native works as customer relations specialist at Batavia Downs. Employees in that position are “responsible[...]

Posted 6 months ago

Sep 26


Brown offered $295,000 to head OTB

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown. Photo by WKBW. This story was updated at 1:58 p.m. Directors of Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corp. today voted to offer Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown a $295,000 salary to be the agency’s new president and CEO. OTB Chairman Dennis Bassett characterized the contract offered to Brown as an “annual” agreement with “incentives” to be negotiated in a second and third year. Bassett refused to say what those incentives are worth or provide any other details of the 18-page employment contract, calling the decision “my choice.” Two attorneys versed in the state’s Freedom of Information Law told[...]

Posted 6 months ago

Sep 24


Brown poised to be the state’s top-paid OTB exec

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown. Photo by Garrett Looker. This story was updated Sept. 25 at 4:07 p.m. Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown stands to be the highest-paid OTB executive in New York should he accept the offer to be Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corp.’s new president and CEO. OTB’s personnel committee approved the terms of a contract during a two-hour closed-door session Wednesday afternoon. Board members would not disclose the terms of the offer, including salary and start date. The full board is expected to vote on the contract offer to Brown on Thursday, at which time officials said they would[...]

Posted 6 months ago

Sep 19


OTB may vote on Brown contract next week

The Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corp. is expected to discuss — if not vote on — an employment contract for Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown at its board of directors meeting next week. Reporter J. Dale Shoemaker appeared on WCNY’s Capitol Pressroom to explain the latest. The Capitol Pressroom · Western NY OTB in period of transition The board, at a special meeting two weeks ago, offered Brown the OTB president and CEO job. He would replace Henry Wojtaszek, who has led the agency since 2016. Wojtaszek this summer announced plans to accept a $299,000 buyout and step down at the[...]

Posted 6 months ago

Sep 5


Byron Brown chosen to lead Western OTB

Mayor Byron Brown, incoming OTB chief. Photo by Garrett Looker. Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown today was selected to head the Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corp.  Brown, 65, was one of two finalists interviewed by OTB’s governing board, which unanimously selected the mayor after five hours of closed-door interviews and deliberations. Elliott Winter, who represents Niagara County on the OTB board and served on the search committee, told reporters Brown is a good fit given his experience running a city government. “He oversees 3,000 employees with a budget of over $600 million. He’s worked in the same capacity for the last[...]

Posted 7 months ago
Investigative Post