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Jim Heaney

Jim Heaney is editor and executive director of Investigative Post. He was an investigative reporter with The Buffalo News from 1986 to 2011 and a reporter and editor with The Orlando Sentinel from 1980-86. His coverage over the years has focused on economic development, local and state government, politics, education, housing and transportation, and he was an early practitioner of computer-assisted reporting. Heaney has won more than 20 journalism awards and was a finalist for the 1993 Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting.

Dec 26


My tenure at Investigative Post

After more than a year helping out at Investigative Post, I’m headed back into retirement. I’m certainly happy about that. After more than 40 years in the news business, I truly enjoy my time out of it. But I have to say, working as an editor at Investigative Post this past year-and-a-half has been inspiring. If I was closer to 50 years old than 70 (when did that happen?), I can’t think of a place I’d rather work. I’ve been in a handful of newsrooms over my career. This one defines journalism – expose injustice, hold the powerful accountable, give[...]

Posted 3 months ago

Dec 23


The smart way to build a stadium

I get a chuckle out of stories that raise the prospect of major spinoff development near the new Buffalo Bills stadium. The Buffalo News published another story to that effect last week. It’s not gonna happen.  Terry Pegula has insisted on an open-air stadium surrounded by parking lots, located in the outer-ring suburb of Orchard Park. His approach runs counter to best practices employed by most other NFL owners who have built stadiums over the past decade. The Conversation, which fancies itself for “academic rigor, journalistic flair,” outlined how stadiums can be done right. Key points include: “It’s smarter to[...]

Posted 3 months ago

Dec 8


Our neighbors to the north are not a problem

Donald Trump has lumped Canada in with Mexico as a source of drugs and undocumented immigration and threatened to impose tariffs as a consequence.  Jerry Zremski of The Buffalo News debunks the claim. Twenty-four times more drugs have been seized at the southern border than the northern one. Undocumented immigrants: 11 times greater crossing from Mexico than Canada so far this year. Buffalo police want to use artificial intelligence as a crime fighting tool. The ACLU cautions of the potential for abuse when police are given AI tools without proper guardrails. Niagara Falls is starting to smarten up when it[...]

Posted 4 months ago

Dec 1


Let’s get real about why Harris lost to Trump

A fair number of press observers criticized mainstream news outlets for not reporting on Donald Trump more critically during the campaign for president. Yeah, the press could have done a better job, at least when it came to its obsession about polls. But I think the criticism was overblown. I mean, did anyone reading the newspaper or watching television news not know what Trump was about? I’ll note that polling showed that voters who relied on mainstream outlets favored Trump’s opponent by a wide margin. I will take issue with one important aspect of press coverage since the election, however.[...]

Posted 4 months ago

Nov 24


No wonder so many people are misinformed

I don’t mean to be a press critic, but compelling stories keep coming to my attention that I want to share. One in five adults regularly get their news from social media influencers, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center. Among the under-30 set, it’s more than one in three. These influencers are most frequently found on Twitter and are mostly men who are more likely to lean right than left. Perhaps most telling, only a quarter of influencers have ever worked for a news organization.   Opined Taylor Lorentz of UserMag:  “Pew’s findings paint a concerning picture of[...]

Posted 4 months ago

Nov 17


Way too many people can’t read – adults and kids

The numbers are shocking. “Illiteracy has become such a serious problem in our country that 130 million adults are now unable to read a simple story to their children,” reports the National Literacy Institute. That’s half the adult population.  That same half has difficulty performing such basic tasks such as reading the labels of their prescription drugs. A little more than half of adults read below a sixth grade reading level. One in five are flat out illiterate. A majority of Americans don’t read a single book through the course of a year. Only one-in-three kids read for pleasure. Etc.[...]

Posted 4 months ago

Nov 12


Time to support Investigative Post

I’ll get right to the point: As a nonprofit newsroom, Investigative Post depends on community support to fund our operation. Not advertisers, not subscribers, but donors.  People like you, dear reader. We’re in the midst of our annual drive, during which most of our smaller donors (under $1,000) contribute. This year, we’re again matching donations of up to $1,000 thanks to the generosity of national foundations providing funds under NewsMatch and local companies, including Try-It Distributing. Donors have multiple options. You can make a one-time or monthly contribution. You can do so online or by mailing us a check. (Details[...]

Posted 5 months ago

Nov 10


The numbers behind the vote for president

Let’s unpack the presidential vote. For starters, fewer people voted this year (145 million) than four years ago (158.5 million) despite an estimated growth of 8 million age-eligible citizens. The turnout of registered voters also dropped slightly from four years ago. This helps to explain why Donald Trump won with fewer votes this year (73.6 million) than he garnered in losing (74.2 million) four years ago. He won because Harris received far fewer votes (69.3 million) than Biden (81.3 million) did four years ago. Put another way: Trump did not grow his base. Harris lost a chunk of Biden’s. Closer[...]

Posted 5 months ago
Investigative Post