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Jim Heaney

Jim Heaney is editor and executive director of Investigative Post. He was an investigative reporter with The Buffalo News from 1986 to 2011 and a reporter and editor with The Orlando Sentinel from 1980-86. His coverage over the years has focused on economic development, local and state government, politics, education, housing and transportation, and he was an early practitioner of computer-assisted reporting. Heaney has won more than 20 journalism awards and was a finalist for the 1993 Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting.

Mar 12


Heaney discusses IBM on ‘Pressroom

Jim Heaney and Susan Arbetter talk about the troubled IBM project in Buffalo on The Capitol Pressroom. Investigative Post in recent months has published two stories, found here and here, on the project, which Gov. Andrew Cuomo said would create hundreds of good-paying, high-tech jobs but instead has resulted in a dysfunctional call center employing low-wage workers who say they are poorly trained.  

Posted 7 years ago

Jan 17


Derenda leaves behind a mess at police HQ

Yesterday, Daniel Derenda was Buffalo police commissioner. Today, out of the blue, he’s retired. The lack of public notice has some people, including me, wondering if there’s more than what meets the eye. I mean, who announces their retirement the day they walk out the door, especially the guy in charge? This much is certain: He leaves behind a police department that is, well, kind of a mess. Some he inherited, others cropped up on his watch. Most telling, perhaps, are the cases of Wardel Davis, Jose Hernandez-Rossy and Craig Lehner. Davis and Hernandez-Rossy died last year during encounters with[...]

Posted 7 years ago

Dec 21


A Buffalo Billion bust in Syracuse

 Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s original plan to redevelop the former Republic Steel site in South Buffalo included Soraa, a California based company that manufactures high efficiency lights. Soraa and Silevo, a solar panel manufacturer, were going to occupy a factory at Riverbend, built at taxpayer expense under the Buffalo Billion program. SolarCity, owned by Elon Musk, bought out Silevo and the state and Soraa decided to locate the lighting plant in Syracuse. Some $90 million in state funds were spent to build the factory in exchange for a promise of 420 jobs. Like the SolarCity project, the Syracuse plant was ensnared[...]

Posted 7 years ago

Dec 6


LPCiminelli scaling back operations

LPCiminelli, the embattled construction firm reeling from the indictment of three of its executives, is shuttering half its business. The company is selling off its heavy construction equipment at an auction next week in anticipation of closing its general contracting arm. Rather than building facilities, LPCiminelli will focus on development and construction management. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter delivered Sundays to your inbox. The company has been under siege for three years, since Investigative Post exposed what federal investigators later determined was corruption in the state’s awarding of a contract to LPCiminelli to develop the Tesla solar panel manufacturing plant[...]

Posted 7 years ago

Nov 16


Heaney talks IBM on ‘Pressroom

Susan Arbetter interviews Jim Heaney on The Capitol Pressroom regarding Investigative Post’s recent story about IBM and the Buffalo Billion. Heaney said taxpayers are not getting a good return for their considerable investment in major Buffalo Billion projects and that IBM has effectively said it’s none of the public’s business how it is using $55 million in subsidies.    

Posted 7 years ago

Nov 3


Buffalo lawmakers seek to contain reporters

We recently announced an event that will explore how hostile government officials at the federal, state and local level have become to the press, and by extension, the public’s right to know. As if on cue, Darius Pridgen and his colleagues on the Buffalo Common Council underscored that hostility Friday by announcing steps intended to put reporters in their place. In the process, they made themselves look kind of silly, to say nothing of petty. The directive, outlined in a press release you can read here, said the Council will require reporters to sit in a designated area in the[...]

Posted 7 years ago

Oct 27


Podcast: Sarah Cohen on local reporting

This week’s podcast features the keynote address given by Sarah Cohen at Investigative Post’s annual benefit dinner Oct. 19. Cohen, who was part of a team at The Washington Post that won a Pulitzer Prize, and later an editor at The New York Times, focused her remarks on local news and investigative reporting. “The chaos at the national level … is starting to trickle down to state and local governments,” she said.    

Posted 7 years ago

Oct 11


Heaney talks 43North on ‘Pressroom

Jim Heaney tells Susan Arbetter of The Capitol Pressroom that out-of-town entrepreneurs who take state money and then leave after just a year remind him of a Steve Miller song … “Take the Money and Run.”    

Posted 7 years ago
Investigative Post