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Jim Heaney

Jim Heaney is editor and executive director of Investigative Post. He was an investigative reporter with The Buffalo News from 1986 to 2011 and a reporter and editor with The Orlando Sentinel from 1980-86. His coverage over the years has focused on economic development, local and state government, politics, education, housing and transportation, and he was an early practitioner of computer-assisted reporting. Heaney has won more than 20 journalism awards and was a finalist for the 1993 Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting.

Sep 8


Honors for iPost’s Dan Telvock

Dan Telvock’s coverage of environmental issues – from lead poisoning in Buffalo to a toxic landfill in Wheatfield to water pollution at Gallagher Beach – has been recognized for excellence by the Society of Environmental Journalists. Telvock placed second among 36 entries for outstanding beat reporting in a small market. Here’s what the judge’s had to say about Telvock’s reporting: Dan Telvock’s dogged reporting on water contamination and lead poisoning holds local officials accountable on behalf of Buffalo residents. His use of data showed that more children in Buffalo suffer from elevated levels of lead in their blood compared to[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Sep 8


Introducing Investigative Post’s podcast

Jim Heaney interviews Susan Arbetter, the award-winning host and producer of The Capitol Pressroom, on the inaugural episode of Investigative Postcast. Our plan is to post a new episode every Thursday featuring an Investigative Post journalist interviewing a newsmaker or discussing a recent story they’ve produced. Episodes will be available on our website, and, in the near future, on iTunes. In today’s episode, Arbetter tells us about her approach to the job, her trick for waking up at an ungodly hour, and the role WBFO in Buffalo played in launching The Capitol Pressroom. You can hear more from Susan Arbetter next Tuesday (Sept. 13) at an event at the Burchfield[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Aug 26


Heaney talks Buffalo lead testing on ‘Pressroom

Susan Arbetter of The Capitol Pressroom interviews Jim Heaney about Investigative Post’s recent story on problems with Buffalo’s program to test drinking water for lead. The interview, which broadcast Aug. 25, runs from 22:33 to 37:04. Heaney will interview Arbetter in front of a live audience Sept. 13 at the Burchfield Penney Art Center. She will discuss state politics, her trials and tribulations as a female, entrepreneurial journalist, her best and worst interviews and the future of public radio. Tickets are $10; admission is free for Silver, Gold and Platinum Investigative Post members. Tickets and memberships can be purchased online here.[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Aug 25


Lead in water story on WBFO

Dan Telvock of Investigative Post reports on shortcomings in the city program to test drinking water for lead. Telvock found the program is beset with slipshod methods and puts more effort into testing predominantly white enclaves with few lead poisoning than in the inner-city neighborhoods where the problem is concentrated. Nevertheless, Mayor Byron Brown said he’s “not concerned.” Web version of story featuring interactive graphics and three reports produced for WGRZ is here. Capitol Pressroom interview with Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney is here.

Posted 9 years ago

Aug 23


Charlotte Keith discusses Buffalo Billion program on WBFO

On WBFO’s Press Pass, Investigative Post’s Charlotte Keith talks with Jay Moran about her recent story on a Buffalo Billion program at Daemen College that is not living up to the hype. The state committed $4.5 million to create a training program in film production at the college, which is partnering with a new visual effects company. The plan was that graduates would go straight into jobs with the company but so far, very few have found full-time work.

Posted 9 years ago

Aug 22


iPost adds reporter via NY Times

Investigative Post has added a third full-time reporter to its award-winning staff. Daniela Porat joins the staff after a seven-month stint at The New York Times, where she worked with the newspaper’s investigative and computer assisted reporting teams. Her reporting there included a front page story on gun violence in America. Prior to The Times, she worked as a researcher with Vice HBO. Her reporting has also been published by ProPublica and The Miami Herald. Porat, 27, is a bilingual native of Venezuela who grew up in Toronto. She graduated in 2015 from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Aug 10


Record losses at SolarCity

SolarCity posted a record net loss of $250 million for the second quarter of this year, according to financial statements filed Tuesday with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Losses for the first half of this year stand at a staggering $533 million, putting the company on pace to lose more than $1 billion for 2016. Losses last year totaled $710 million. SolarCity’s financial woes are one of the reasons it’s in line to be taken over by Tesla, the electric car manufacturer. Noted entrepreneur Elon Musk is chairman of both companies and their largest shareholder. Tesla has its share of financial problems,[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Aug 1


Heaney talks subsidies on ‘Pressroom

Jim Heaney, in a wide-wide ranging interview with Susan Arbetter of The Capitol Pressroom, discusses the lack of transparency around state economic development programs and a dubious $125,000 grant made to an ice cream parlor under the Buffalo Billion. The interview, which broadcast July 28, runs from 22:20 to 36:43. Heaney will turn the tables on Arbetter when he interviews her Sept, 13 in front of a live audience at the Burchfield Penney Art Center. Tickets are just $10 and can be purchased here.

Posted 9 years ago
Investigative Post