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Jim Heaney

Jim Heaney is editor and executive director of Investigative Post. He was an investigative reporter with The Buffalo News from 1986 to 2011 and a reporter and editor with The Orlando Sentinel from 1980-86. His coverage over the years has focused on economic development, local and state government, politics, education, housing and transportation, and he was an early practitioner of computer-assisted reporting. Heaney has won more than 20 journalism awards and was a finalist for the 1993 Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting.

Apr 25


Council lacks initiative, independence

The good news: Buffalo’s Common Council doesn’t busy itself passing resolutions honoring people, be they dead or alive. But like the Erie County Legislature, the Council passes few laws and makes few changes to the executive branch’s spending plans, including the chronically troubled Community Development Block Grant program. The Council’s track record the past few years reflects a cozy relationship between lawmakers and Mayor Byron Brown. Few miss the bickering of the Griffin and, to a lesser degree, Masiello eras. But critics, who include former Council President David Franczyk, say lawmakers have surrendered their independence in the process. This report[...]

Posted 11 years ago

Apr 24


Erie County’s lackluster lawmakers

An Investigative Post report, co-produced with WGRZ, finds Erie County legislators pass few laws, make few budget amendments but pass hundreds of resolutions honoring residents, both dead and alive, that have nothing to do with the operation of county government. All this, at a cost of $3.2 million a year. A report Friday on WGRZ examines the track record of the Buffalo Common Council. For more, listen to Jim Heaney’s interview with Shredd & Ragan of 103.3, The Edge.

Posted 11 years ago

Apr 16


Failed bid to oust Paladino from school board

Carl Paladino has survived a legal challenge that sought his removal from the Board of Education. Joan Simmons, a city resident upset with Paladino’s conduct on the board, petitioned state Education Commissioner John King in late November seeking Paladino’s removal just five months after taking office. “He has done nothing since July but create havoc, tension and animosity,” Simmons told Investigative Post earlier this week. “He is an unnecessary, destructive distraction to the board.” Paladino filed affidavits in December that contended Simmons’ petition lacked merit. King rejected the petition in a March 12 ruling that press outlets have not reported[...]

Posted 11 years ago

Apr 9


Cuomo’s contempt for public’s right to know

You may recall a series of stories Dan Telvock did last fall about the push by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, among others, to open Gallagher Beach for swimming despite its PCB contaminated water and proximity to not one, but two Superfund sites. State officials, after first suggesting they might not test the beach for its fitness as a swimming hole, relented and announced the soil and water at Gallagher Beach would be thoroughly tested. We were told test results would be available in February. Well, folks, it’s now the second week in April and state officials are still refusing to say[...]

Posted 11 years ago

Mar 27


Chippewa Street is a red blight district

Last week I wrote about the overflowing trash bins up and down Chippewa Street that greeted fans in town for the NCAA basketball tournament. That did not make it an unusual week for the downtown entertainment strip – actually, it was a typical one. The truth is, Chippewa is dirty, smelly and uninviting most of the time. I know because I walk the street five, sometimes six days a week. I park workdays at WGRZ on Delaware Avenue and walk up Chippewa to my office on Pearl Street. I retrace my steps on the way home in the evening. In[...]

Posted 11 years ago

Mar 22


The State of Investigative Post, 2014

Investigative Post recently celebrated its second anniversary and I want to use the occasion to recap the past year and provide a peek of what lies ahead in 2014. When I contemplated leaving The Buffalo News several years ago I wrestled with the prospect of losing the platform that comes with writing for the largest media outlet in the region. That was no small consideration because journalism, to have value, must have impact, and to have impact, must reach a broad audience. Using those benchmarks, Investigative Post had a successful second year, and is poised to have an even better[...]

Posted 11 years ago

Mar 21


Belated Chippewa Street cleanup

Rain washed away the stale beer and vomit and city crews finally emptied overflowing trash receptacles along Chippewa Street on Wednesday after Investigative Post and WGRZ pointed out the poor impression conditions were leaving on basketball fans visiting Buffalo for the NCAA tournament.

Posted 11 years ago

Mar 20


Welcome to Pigsty City

Buffalo is teeming with visiting basketball fans who are being encouraged to hit the town. Chippewa Street is the entertainment strip closest to the NCAA tournament action, but the city has yet to empty the trash cans, much less clean up the trash, vomit and broken glass from last weekend’s St. Patrick’s Day ‘festivities.’

Posted 11 years ago
Investigative Post