Categories for Co-produced with WGRZ

Sep 28


Park planned on a polluted creek

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Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper and the Niagara River Land Trust are taking on a risky project. The $850,000 plan announced Monday is to demolish a decrepit former car repair shop on a brownfield to construct a half-acre public park with a paddle boat launch for one of the state’s most polluted creeks, the Scajaquada. On one hand, the project at 1660 Niagara Street in Black Rock could accelerate more investment into the badly polluted creek. On the other hand, without more cleanup, the project will leave exposed one of the creek’s most polluted sections, that even during the press event reeked[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Sep 21


New York’s sleeping watchdogs

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U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara took on the role of investigating the Buffalo Billion after none of the watchdogs in state government would. I did a story last December that detailed the questionable circumstances surrounding the awarding of development contracts to LPCiminelli and McGuire Development and the lack of transparency involving the Buffalo Billion program. I made inquiries in January with the offices of both Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli to ask if either of them intended to follow up. I found no takers. Bharara’s office, meanwhile, took note and began issuing subpoenas over the summer, as detailed Friday[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Sep 20


Heaney: Probe should focus on Kaloyeros

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U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara’s investigation into contracts awarded under the Buffalo Billion program can’t help but scrutinize the actions of Alain Kaloyeros, who is quarterbacking the program, Jim Heaney has told Maryalice Demler of WGRZ. Heaney also said the investigation has statewide implications because Kaloyeros has emerged as Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s point man on major economic development projects in Rochester and Utica. Heaney said Kaloyeros has operated in a non-transparent manner in Albany for years, exported that approach to Buffalo and will likely do likewise elsewhere upstate unless challenged.

Posted 9 years ago

Sep 17


Contamination a challenge on Outer Harbor

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The state’s leaner and greener plan for the Outer Harbor still has some obstacles to overcome, chief among them the contamination of 60 acres adjacent to properties targeted for residential and commercial development. As Investigative Post reported in March, about 40 percent of the soil samples taken on the parcel detected contamination levels that made it unsafe for use as a park. The standards would be even stricter for using the property for residential purposes. If that’s not bad enough, one acre in the parcel is a partly remediated Superfund with a restriction against residential development. Officials concede it’s going to[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Sep 16


State kills plan for swimming at Gallagher Beach

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It turns out it’s not safe to go in the water at Gallagher Beach. State officials announced Wednesday they have shelved plans to open the beach along Route 5 in South Buffalo for swimming. The decision marks a retreat from plans announced two years ago by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, U.S. Rep. Brian Higgins and Mayor Byron Brown, who were excited at the prospect of a beach within the city limits. What’s changed? Investigative Post has been reporting on water pollution and and soil contamination at the beach. State officials initially refused to even commit to testing to determine if there were[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Aug 27


A call for action on sewer overflows

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The federal Environmental Protection Agency gave Buffalo 20 years to curb its sewer overflows into Scajaquada Creek and other waterways flowing through the city. That’s not fast enough, said Erie County Legislator Patrick Burke, whose district includes Cazenovia Creek, which, like the Scajaquada, he says is badly polluted by sewer overflows. The lack of urgency among local, state and federal authorities has him frustrated. Therefore, he’s invited the responsible parties to a public meeting next month in an attempt to bring transparency to a problem that’s tainted local waterways for a century. “We’ve kicked the can down the road on[...]

Posted 10 years ago

Aug 26


Labor groups protest hotel subsidies

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Around 100 people from local labor groups gathered Wednesday morning to protest the Niagara County Industrial Development Agency’s awarding of tax breaks to hotels. They say low-cost hotels like the Budget Inn on Niagara Falls Boulevard, where the protest was held, should not receive subsidies because they don’t create good-paying jobs. The protest was organized by the Coalition for Economic Justice. Investigative Post reported on the subsidies in January, documenting how the IDA’s indiscriminate granting of tax breaks to hotels defied the recommendations of a 2011 study commissioned by the state. That study found that the city had already had a “glut” of lower-end hotel[...]

Posted 10 years ago

Aug 25


NRG closing Huntley coal plant in Tonawanda

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NRG Energy plans to retire its Huntley coal plant in Tonawanda by March. NRG informed its 79 employees at the River Road facility on Tuesday morning. “The market conditions don’t make the plant economically viable,” said NRG spokesman David Gaier. “We don’t see any scenario under which things will improve to allow the plant to remain in service.” At the same time, NRG’s $140 million project to convert and repower its coal plant in Dunkirk is in jeopardy. The conversion plan, approved last year, would allow the Dunkirk facility to burn both coal and natural gas. Now, that plant could be mothballed by January. On[...]

Posted 10 years ago
Investigative Post