Categories for GreenPost

Aug 1


Covanta expansion starts without DEC approval

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The Niagara Gazette reports community residents are questioning the Department of Environmental Conservation’s oversight of Covanta Niagara’s expansion plans. The plant has already begun construction of the project without the required air permit. Covanta spokeswoman says it took the risk with DEC’s “knowledge and concurrence.”

Posted 12 years ago

Aug 1


Environmental regulators slow on the draw (again)

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The Department of Environmental Conservation has ordered Covanta Niagara to stop construction of a natural gas boiler and a 190-foot smokestack in Niagara Falls because it hasn’t obtained the required air permit. Covanta, which has spent more than $820,000 over the past three years in campaign contributions and lobbying expenses, started construction months before the public comment period on the project closes on Monday. The notice of violation came less than 48 hours after three Niagara County residents raised concerns about the the DEC’s oversight of the Niagara County waste-to-energy plant’s $30 million expansion project, as first reported by the[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Jul 22


Global warming in 27 seconds

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Don’t believe in global warming? Then watch this 27-second eye-opening animated video from NASA that shows how significant global temperatures have increased since 1880. According to NASA, the red in the map indicates temperatures higher than the average during a baseline period of 1951-1980. Blue indicates lower temperatures than the baseline average. Why is this happening? Greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide levels, are on the rise. These gases act like a blanket over earth, trapping energy that should be rising into space, resulting in higher, sustained temperatures. Since 1880, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increases more[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Jul 11


Air pollution linked to lung cancer, heart failure

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Air pollution can cause lung cancer and increase the risk of heart failure, according to two studies published Tuesday in The Lancet Journal. The first study found that extended exposure to particulate air pollution commonly called soot can increase the risk of lung cancer even at concentrations below European Union limits, which are stricter than U.S. limits in some instances. The research led the authors to question whether there are safe levels of air pollution. The second study found that heart failure or death was associated with increases in a number of air pollutants. These studies have some meaning locally[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Jul 1


Tests not best gauge of beach pollution

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Tests used to determine if water at beaches is safe to swim in may not be accurate, according to a new study from the University at Buffalo and Mercyhurst University. The problem: The most commonly used test fails to distinguish from toxic and more benign forms of contaminants. As a result, authorities sometimes close beaches when they don’t need to, or keep them open when they shouldn’t. Health departments in Erie, Niagara and Chautauqua counties take water samples from 22 beaches – Erie on a daily basis at six major beaches – and test for fecal coliform and E. coli.[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Jun 21


DEC’s sewage discharge reports lack details

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The intent of the Sewage Pollution Right to Know law passed 10 months ago was to inform state residents within four hours of sewage overflows into waterways to protect them from the dangers of swimming or fishing in tainted water. Not only would residents know the estimated amount of all overflows, they would know where it happened, the duration, what time, the reason and a description of steps taken to control it from happening again. But only half of the disclosure is happening 45 days since the law went into effect.   The Department of Environmental Conservation and environmental advocates are[...]

Posted 12 years ago
Investigative Post