Categories for In-Depth

Jul 7


U.S. emerging as the world’s snoop

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Glenn Greenwald’s latest column concludes: “The US government – in complete secrecy – is constructing a ubiquitous spying apparatus aimed not only at its own citizens, but all of the world’s citizens.”

Posted 12 years ago

Jun 21


DEC’s sewage discharge reports lack details

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The intent of the Sewage Pollution Right to Know law passed 10 months ago was to inform state residents within four hours of sewage overflows into waterways to protect them from the dangers of swimming or fishing in tainted water. Not only would residents know the estimated amount of all overflows, they would know where it happened, the duration, what time, the reason and a description of steps taken to control it from happening again. But only half of the disclosure is happening 45 days since the law went into effect.   The Department of Environmental Conservation and environmental advocates are[...]

Posted 12 years ago

May 28


Numbers, history belie Cuomo’s Peace Bridge claims

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Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his minions are insisting long and loud that Canadian members of the authority that manages the Peace Bridge have shortchanged efforts to improve the American side of the bridge. But an analysis by Investigative Post found that nearly half of the $192.5 million spent or committed by the authority’s governing board since 1992 has been earmarked for work on the American side. What’s more, more funding has been committed to improve the plaza in Buffalo than in Fort Erie since the 9/11 terrorist attacks when projects on the books are factored in. Investigative Post also found[...]

Posted 12 years ago

May 22


Asthma epidemic near Peace Bridge

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An Investigative Post report produced in partnership with WGRZ has found a strong link between Peace Bridge pollution, especially diesel truck fumes, and high asthma rates in the neighborhood adjacent to the bridge. An analysis of scientific studies and other data shows asthma rates on the Lower West Side are about four times the national average and residents with asthma can be found in nearly one in three households in the neighborhood. Seven public schools on the West Side report more than 500 students suffer from asthma, including one-quarter of pupils at the elementary school located just two blocks from the bridge entrance. A federal study has established a link between diesel[...]

Posted 12 years ago

May 4


Peace Bridge tensions escalate

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A female engineer assigned to manage work on the U.S. side of the bridge told Investigative Post of a sexual harassment charge she lodged in December against a Canadian board member after he introduced her as the “governor’s concubine.” Canadian officials, meanwhile, continue to dispute claims they aren’t cooperating with their American counterparts.

Posted 12 years ago
Investigative Post