
Jul 29


Heaney on Obama’s assault on the press

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Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney, appearing on WBFO’s Press Pass with Eileen Buckely, discusses the federal government’s unprecedented aggression against reporters and its implication for a democratic society.

Posted 12 years ago

Jul 25


Patronage at the Water Authority

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The Erie County Water Authority is spending $122,600 a year in salaries for three messengers, two of who are politically wired. Messengers in this day and age? A report from Scott Brown of WGRZ.

Posted 12 years ago

Jul 25


WNY has 3 of state’s worst greenhouse gas polluters

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The 650-foot smokestack at the Somerset coal-fired power plant in Niagara County billows plumes of smoke carrying greenhouse gases that can be seen on a clear day all the way across Lake Ontario in Toronto. The amount — 3.8 million tons in 2011 — makes the coal plant the top greenhouse gas polluter in New York State. That’s equivalent to the emissions from 712,893 cars annually. Western New York has two other facilities that rank in the state’s top 10 of greenhouse gas polluters: coal-fired power plants CR Huntley in the Town of Tonawanda and NRG Dunkirk in the City[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Jul 24


Higgins, Collins back NSA snooping

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The House of Representatives narrowly defeated a measure Wednesday that would have reined in the federal government’s power to indiscriminately collect telephone records of American citizens. A report from the Guardian, including the roll call vote.

Posted 12 years ago

Jul 24


Buffalo Housing Court fines: Progress and problems

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City Hall’s belated effort to collect $22 million in unpaid Housing Court fines is coming up empty. A dry run by a collections agency hired by the city earlier this year that sought about $430,000 from deadbeat court defendants yielded only $59 in fine payments, according to City Comptroller Mark Schroeder. That experience prompted city officials to scale back their expectations of what was collectable from the $22 million in unpaid fines that have accumulated since Mayor Byron Brown took office in 2006. Rather than $1 million, Schroeder said administration officials believe only $40,000 to $80,000 is collectable. “In terms[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Jul 22


Global warming in 27 seconds

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Don’t believe in global warming? Then watch this 27-second eye-opening animated video from NASA that shows how significant global temperatures have increased since 1880. According to NASA, the red in the map indicates temperatures higher than the average during a baseline period of 1951-1980. Blue indicates lower temperatures than the baseline average. Why is this happening? Greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide levels, are on the rise. These gases act like a blanket over earth, trapping energy that should be rising into space, resulting in higher, sustained temperatures. Since 1880, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increases more[...]

Posted 12 years ago
Investigative Post