
Jun 13


Bernie Tolbert has raised more than $100,000

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Jim Heaney interviewed Democratic mayoral candidate Bernie Tolbert on Tuesday. In this clip, Tolbert tells Heaney how much he intends to raise over the course of the campaign and how fundraising has gone so far. Interview highlights will air Saturday morning on WGRZ’s Daybreak. The complete interview and a transcript will post to this site later Saturday.

Posted 12 years ago

Jun 12


Half-hearted effort to inform Peace Bridge neighbors

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Seven days ago the state’s point person for the Peace Bridge gateway project said her team was busy translating handouts and power-point presentations in anticipation of Tuesday’s meeting, when the public would see the road plans for the first time. “The handouts, boards and power point are being worked on as we speak. Some will be done in Spanish and Burmese and thus will be in translation,” Maria Lehman, an engineer with the state Department of Transportation assigned to manage the project, wrote in the email last week. However, none of the presentation was translated for the meetings at D’Youville[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Jun 12


More natural gas conflicts of interest

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The Buffalo-based Public Accountability Initiative has issued a new report, this one detailing ties between environmental groups and the natural gas industry participating in the Center for Sustainable Shale Development.

Posted 12 years ago

Jun 11


Ugly month for sewer overflows in Erie County

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For the first time, the numbers are flowing in on sewer overflows across the state and it isn’t pretty. In Erie County, almost 7 million gallons of untreated sewage were discharged into local waterways in May. This information wasn’t publicly available on the Internet until the Sewage Pollution Right to Know Law went into effect last month. Based on what’s reported so far, the biggest repositories of raw sewage were Ellicott Creek (2 million gallons),  Scajaquada Creek (1 million) and the Niagara River (679,000). Heavy rain or snow melt is often the cause of these overflows. The ground water seeps through cracks in the sewer[...]

Posted 12 years ago
Investigative Post