
Apr 27


U.S. – Canadian recriminations over Peace Bridge

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Peace Bridge General Manager Ron Rienas has become a lightning rod over deeper divisions within the board that manages the Peace Bridge. American board members contend the Canadians are not cooperating with efforts to improve the bridge on the Buffalo side; the Canadians label the charge “absurd.” Jim Heaney reports for WGRZ.

Posted 12 years ago

Apr 25


Demone Smith’s continued defiance

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Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver are among those who have gone on record in favor of tougher enforcement of election laws and other statutes aimed at promoting ethical conduct on the part of public officials. The catalyst to these calls has been two recent high-profile corruption cases that snared New York City politicians. Not that we needed two indictments to know something is rotten in the Empire State. Look no further than the “D” grade the state received on a risk for public corruption report card issued by the Center for Public Integrity. Nor do[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Apr 22


Rights for the accused Boston bomber?

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Glenn Greenwald of the Guardian frames the debate over what rights, if any, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev deserves and calls out Democrats who decry Republican demands for harsh treatment when President Obama has previously undermined Miranda rights.

Posted 12 years ago
Investigative Post