Apr 22
Apr 22
Apr 21
Apr 19
A sobering piece published on Alternet on the federal government’s escalating efforts to silence whistleblowers and snoop on citizens and journalists in the name of national security.
Apr 19
Jeremy Zellner, chairman of the Erie County Democratic Party, tells Jim Heaney of Investigative Post that Gov. Andrew Cuomo still isn’t talking to party HQ after failing to elect his preferred candidate to lead local Democrats. More of the interview will air Saturday about 6:40 a.m. on WGRZ Daybreak.
Apr 19
Apr 19
Jeremy Zellner, elected in September chairman of the Erie County Democratic Party in a contentious race, represents a departure for a party usually led by a grizzled veteran in the vein of Joe Crangle, Jim Sorrentino or Len Lenihan. Zellner, 35, has worked in party headquarters since 2005, including a three year stint as executive director. His “day job,” so to speak, is chief of staff for the Erie County Legislature’s Democratic majority. He is a graduate of Buffalo State College, where he majored in political science, and Niagara County Community College. Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney interviewed Zellner on[...]
Apr 18
The Guardian identifies seven senators who played a key role in Wednesday’s defeat of a series of gun control measures. Four are Democrats.
Apr 18
New York has a dismal record when it comes to collecting thermostats that contain mercury and legislation that might help hasn’t passed both chambers for years. The result is that these toxic thermostats end up in landfills and leach into land and water—nearly a ton of mercury annually in New York alone. Keeping mercury out of landfills and the environment is important because it is a toxic pollutant that can make fish inedible and cause brain and liver damage, along with behavioral and developmental problems in children and fetuses. The EPA conducted a study in 2004 that found more than[...]