
Mar 5


Recycling gains traction in Buffalo schools

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More Buffalo schools are using green totes to recycle that will help boost the city’s recycling rate. Investigative Post reported in November that only two schools were using the totes that were distributed to residents early last year, and that the district wasn’t doing much otherwise to promote recycling, although some individuals schools were. Since then, 13 more schools have started using the city’s green totes. Allied Waste has also agreed to accept all recyclables in Dumpsters that had only accepted cardboard and paper. “In the current pilot, we have 15 sites that are recycling with the green totes/city program[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Mar 4


Cuomo the controller

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Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his administration created a special website to track media interviews with state agencies. Some press interviews are monitored. Press releases, and in some cases interviews, must be pre-approved. A report by the Albany Times-Union

Posted 12 years ago

Feb 28


“I don’t need to tell you …”

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Ron Rienas, general manager of the Public Bridge Authority, tells Jim Heaney of Investigative Post why he won’t talk about his salary or perks or release other payroll records or a detailed budget that spells out what the authority does with the $33 million it takes in annually.

Posted 12 years ago
Investigative Post