
Feb 28


Frustration grows in toxic Tonawanda

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Martin Luther King Jr. once said that of all forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and most inhumane. I don’t have cancer or children. I moved here in September and I don’t live close to the Tonawanda industrial corridor. Until recently, I rarely ever heard of Tonawanda. But I still felt the pain and frustration of the approximately 150 people who showed up to Tuesday night’s meeting at the Sheridan Parkside Community Center, where state Health Department officials explained their recently released review of high cancer and birth defect rates in the Tonawanda industrial corridor. Read[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Feb 27


Stonewalling at the Peace Bridge

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Editor’s note: The story below provides the full details, but to get the full effect, readers should view the television version posted above and, especially, the video of the complete unedited interview with Peace Bridge General Manager Ron Rienas posted below. New York’s labyrinth of authorities are widely decried as shadow governments that shield their activities from public scrutiny. But they are a model of transparency compared to the Public Bridge Authority that operates the Peace Bridge connecting Buffalo and Fort Erie, Investigative Post has found. Authorities and other governmental bodies on both sides of the border are obligated to[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Feb 26


What the NRA wants to keep from the public

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Congress suspended research into gun violence in the mid-1990s under pressure from the National Rifle Association. ProPublica talks to researchers who say their work showed that houses with guns are much more prone to murders and suicides.

Posted 12 years ago

Feb 26


Progress and broken promises

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Buffalo’s modest recycling rate is up, but Mayor Byron Brown has not followed up on his pledge to hire a coordinator and contract with a firm to promote recycling education.

Posted 12 years ago

Feb 26


Recycling excuses

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Editor’s note: Investigative Post reported last November on Buffalo’s anemic recycling program. The story prompted a pledge by Mayor Byron Brown to take steps to bolster the recycling rate. Investigative Post follows up to see what the city has done. Coming soon: An update on recycling efforts in Buffalo public schools. Mayor Byron Brown’s administration has yet to meet its goal of doubling Buffalo’s curbside recycling rate in the year since green totes were distributed to residents. The city’s curbside recycling rate – based on what residents place in green totes – rose from 8 percent to 12.2 percent in[...]

Posted 12 years ago
Investigative Post