
Feb 20


Peace Bridge duty free operators big political donors

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The Florida-based owners of the duty free store on the Buffalo side of the Peace Bridge are big-time operators with more than 100 stores here and abroad. They’re also big-time donors to politicians in both the United States and Israel with contributions approaching $1.8 million, although none of the money has funneled into Western New York. Their company, Duty Free Americas, stands to potentially profit by an expansion of the Peace Bridge plaza on the Buffalo side. The expansion would likely require the duty free store to relocate, presumably into bigger, better and more profitable quarters on the Episcopal Church Home campus[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Feb 19


Cash & kudos for Investigative Post

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Joshua Sterns went looking for a couple of non-profit news organizations to donate to. He’s got a bird’s eye view of the press as journalism and public media campaign director of Free Press, a national media reform organization. He cast his net yet wider by soliciting suggestions from readers via his blog, on which he wrote: We are at an exciting moment when it is now possible to imagine nonprofit journalism becoming a much more prominent part of America’s media ecosystem. But to make the leap from start-up to sustainability we need to step up our support for nonprofit news and encourage others to[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Feb 18


Heaney radio interview on Brown & Cuomo

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Investigative Post editor, interviewed by Eileen Buckley for WBFO’s “Press Pass,” discusses the upcoming mayoral election and Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s governing style. Raw audio of interview that aired in edited form on Monday, Feb. 18.

Posted 12 years ago

Feb 17


Q&A: Nanotech guru Alain Kaloyeros

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Alain Kaloyeros works in Albany but is emerging as a key player in Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s effort to revitalize the Western New York economy.  Kaloyeros is the senior vice president and CEO of the College of Nanoscience and Engineering at the University of Albany. Since 1988 he has lead the effort to develop a nanotechnology sector in the capital region, and by extension, the state, which has resulted in the creation of some 18,000 jobs. “He has spent the past two decades building the nano facility as the most advanced research complex of its kind at any university in the world,”[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Feb 15


Details on Cuomo’s first Billion To Buffalo investment

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I’ve been reporting on economic development in this town for more than a decade and the way Andrew Cuomo and Co. plan on spending the first installment of the $1 billion they’ve pledged to revitalize the Buffalo area economy is like nothing I’ve ever seen. I mean this in a good way. Gov. Cuomo in December announced a state investment of $50 million to set up a drug research facility to attract Albany Molecular Research to the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus. State officials have refused to discuss details since then. Until now. Alain Kaloyeros, architect of the successful effort to[...]

Posted 12 years ago
Investigative Post