
Jan 11


Is climate change ‘rampaging our planet?’

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I find it ironic that after writing about Buffalo shattering its annual average temperature in 2012 that we may experience a weekend with 60 degree temperatures. In January? Really? Jay Burney, who founded the Learning Sustainability Campaign, believes too many people are in denial about climate change. His Dec. 2 opinion piece in The Buffalo News contends that rising temperatures and its impacts have reached an emergency level in Western New York. One of the first meetings I attended when I moved here was the Western New York Environmental Alliance’s quarterly meeting at the Marcy Casino in Delaware Park. The WNYEA is a[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Jan 10


Budget hawk or corporate hack?

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Kevin Connor, director of the Buffalo-based Public Accountability Initiative, is quoted in a New York Times story about the  dubious role some Washington insiders are playing in the deficit reduction debate.

Posted 12 years ago

Jan 10


Buffalo shatters temperature record

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Some weather experts believe the record-breaking heat in 2012 is a warning that the frequency of extreme weather will increase in Western New York and the nation. The average temperature in the United States for 2012 was 55.3 degrees, which is 3.2 degrees above the 20th Century average, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s State of the Climate report. The new record national average temperature is 1 degree hotter than the previous one, set in 1998. The temperature climbed even more in Buffalo. In 1998, Buffalo recorded its highest average temperature at 50.9 degrees. This record was shattered in 2012 by[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Jan 8


An oil investor turned anti-fracking activist

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James Northrup used to be an oil investor in Texas before he moved to Cooperstown and became an activist against hydrofracking. Ecowatch produced this interview with Northrup, in which he talks about some of the environmental dangers of drilling for natural gas.

Posted 12 years ago
Investigative Post