
Dec 17


The HSBC plea bargain

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Rolling Stone reporter Matt Taibbi, founder of the Buffalo Beast, talks about the federal government’s deal with the banking giant that allows executives to avoid prosecution for laundering billions for terrorists and drug cartels. A report from Democracy Now!

Posted 12 years ago

Dec 16


Q&A: Howard Zemsky

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Howard Zemsky is one of the most influential people in Western New York. And certainly one of its busiest. He’s perhaps best known for his revitalization of the Larkin Building and the surrounding area into one of the hottest – and coolest –  commercial, residential and retail districts in the region. It’s only one of several of his business ventures, including Taurus Capital Partners. Zemsky, 53, has emerged as a key community leader and political player in recent years. Most significantly, he is co-chairman of the Western New York Regional Economic Development Council, which is guiding Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s initiative to spend $1[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Dec 14


Ending sports welfare

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Taxpayers have forked over more than $16 billion over the past 20 years to build stadiums and arenas for pro sports teams. Patrick Hrudy of Sports On Earth makes a case for why politicians need to ‘just say no.’

Posted 12 years ago
Investigative Post