
Nov 1


Recycling: City Hall’s bin is less than half full

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Editor’s note: This is a three-part series. Today’s story examines the city’s recycling program. Friday’s report, which will also be the subject of coverage on WGRZ, looks at recycling efforts in the city’s public schools.  On Monday, we look at the wildly success recycling program in San Francisco. City Hall’s halfhearted efforts to increase its anemic recycling rate is plagued by a failure to enforce laws, educate the public or act on a host of recommendations, Investigative Post has found. The result: Buffalo’s recycling rate is less than half the national average, costing Buffalo taxpayers more than $1 million in[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Nov 1


Stay tuned

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Investigative Post will launch a three-part series today (Thursday) on recycling in Buffalo that starts with WGRZ’s evening newscast. Part 1 deals with the city’s struggling recycling program. Coverage, in addition to a story on Ch.2, will include an in-depth piece published on and an excerpt in Artvoice. Part 2, which will air and publish Friday evening, focuses on an even more anemic recycling effort in Buffalo public schools. Part 3, which will publish Monday on, looks at the successful program in San Francisco, where more than three-quarters of waste is recycled. The series is based on the[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Oct 31


Sandy and the global warming connection

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Usually a hurricane loses intensity as it moves north over colder water — unless it’s the  “Frankenstorm.” Sandy’s getting a lot of media attention for its size and intensity, but not so much attention is being made to its connection to global warming. “This is a beyond-strange situation. It’s unprecedented and bizarre,” wrote The Weather Channel’s hurricane specialist Bryan Norcross on his Facebook page. The fact of the matter is that the Atlantic Ocean isn’t as cold as it used to be. The water is 5 degrees higher than average and that translates into stronger storms farther north. Warmer water[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Oct 30


Super PACs have raised $840M

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New report shows PACs and nonprofits enabled by Citizens United court case are mostly underwriting campaigns of Mitt Romney and other Republicans. Democratic-leaning PACs account for only 28 percent of spending. A report from the Center for Responsive Politics.

Posted 12 years ago

Oct 30


Global warming not a hot topic at debates

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Maybe you can blame it on the moderators, but for the first time since 1988 neither of the presidential candidates said a word about global warming and neither did their vice-presidential counterparts during the debates. Even Sarah Palin acknowledged global warming in her 2008 debate with VP Joe Biden. In his debate with Obama in 2008, Sen. McCain said, “We may hand our children and grandchildren a damaged planet.” Obama said in that same debate that, “This is one of the biggest challenges of our times and it is absolutely critical that we understand that this is not just a[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Oct 29


Feds shirk from desegregation fight

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ProPublica reports on the the failure of the U.S. government, from the Nixon administration forward, to use its power to end segregation in housing. “The lack of political courage around these issues is stunning,” said one former federal housing official.

Posted 12 years ago
Investigative Post