
Oct 21


Staggering cost of lifetime health insurance

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Lifetime health insurance for retired politicians and local government is weighing on budgets. The cost this year totals $140 million for Erie County, the City of Buffalo and the Board of Education. An eye-opening report from Susan Schulman of The Buffalo News.

Posted 12 years ago

Oct 20


A very neat electoral map

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The New York Times has an interactive map that allows readers to figure out who will win the presidential race, depending on how they think swing states will vote.

Posted 12 years ago

Oct 20


Interview: Larry Quinn

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Quinn, a former development official and managing partner of the Buffalo Sabres, talks about the NHL lockout and what he termed the “misdirection” at Canalside. He also discusses a dubious distinction Buffalo holds among large cities.

Posted 12 years ago

Oct 18


Long draws laughter on hydrofracking comments

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U.S. Senate hopeful Wendy Long didn’t shy away from her strong support of hydrofracking during Wednesday night’s debate hosted by YNN at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs. In fact, she was quite bold about her opinions. The hydrofracking portion of the debate begins at about the 50:30 mark of the video on YNN’s website. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said drilling for natural gas presents a significant economic opportunity and can be a potential clean source of energy. However, she wants more study of the chemical concentrations used in hydrofracking and what, if any, health impacts they have. The senator said there[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Oct 18


Man O’ Trouble

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The snail’s pace construction of a linear park up the spine of the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus is a standing joke between the owner and patrons of Ulrich’s Tavern on Ellicott Street. “We have an over and under if it would get done before the 2016 Olympics,” said owner Jim Daley, whose tavern provides a front-row seat to the construction. It’s a simple enough project: The federal government earmarked $5.1 million of the $6.4 million project to landscape, resurface and otherwise improve about a half-mile stretch of Ellicott Street street through the medical campus. The idea was to improve traffic[...]

Posted 12 years ago
Investigative Post