Sep 18
Sep 18
Sep 18
A redevelopment grant from National Grid will bring more life to the former contaminated brownfield site that’s now the Buffalo Bolt Business Park on Oliver Street in North Tonawanda, the company announced Monday. The site is the former home of Buffalo Bolt Corporation and Roblin Steel. The state Department of Environmental Conservation has certified the 23-acre light-industrial and manufacturing business park as clean and shovel ready for new development after the state and city spent about $3.4 million on clean-up efforts. Lumber City Development Corporation, which helps the city with redevelopment efforts, applied for the funding. “This grant of $190,000[...]
Sep 18
The Investigative News Network coordinated an investigation of the EPA’s brownfield program and uncovered numerous problems, including richer communities getting more cleanup funding and that there aren’t enough federal dollars to get rid of the contamination at these sites across the country. The investigation also uncovered how there is a lack of monitoring and the EPA doesn’t even know how well its program is working in terms of remediating contaminated brownfields because it doesn’t have any standards for the clean-up efforts. All in all, it’s a great read and very informative. Western New York has 98 Brownfield programs. Of those[...]
Sep 16
iPost interview with Kevin Connor of the Public Accountability Initiative and Little Sis.
Sep 16
Kevin Connor is a research provocateur and one of the leading intellects in Buffalo’s burgeoning activist community. The Boston native and 2005 graduate of Harvard University moved to Buffalo five years ago. Since then, he has launched two watchdog research organizations, the Public Accountability Initiative and LittleSis. His work has garnered press attention, both locally and nationally, connecting dots among the powerful and authoring studies that have called out the false claims of developers and supposedly independent researchers. Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney interviewed Connor Sept. 12. A 4 minute 43 second feature with interview highlights appears above. The full 21-minute interview[...]
Sep 16
Charles F. Zukoski, the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs for University at Buffalo, this week called for a committee to review policies and practices for research, scholarships and publications in light of the controversy with the university’s Shale Research and Society Institute’s (SRSI) study on shale gas exploration. Artvoice also has some eye-opening documents in its investigation of the controversy. That SRSI study used data from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to show that instances of pollution related to hydrofracking declined 60 percent from 2008 to August 2011 because of regulation. Hydrofracking is the practice of[...]
Sep 14
Jim Heaney offers his analysis on primary night winners and loser as part of WGRZ’s 11 p.m. newscast.
Sep 14