
Sep 12


Peace Bridge battle reaches Elmwood Village

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West side residents and environmentalists who want commercial truck traffic banned on the Peace Bridge presented their case in Elmwood Village for the first time Wednesday night at Lafayette Presbyterian Church. About 30 people attended the informational meeting, which was held the same day that Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the completion of a white paper on Peace Bridge corridor air quality by the departments of Transportation, Environmental Conservation, and Health. The Buffalo West Side Environmental Defense Fund organized the meeting. Kathy Mecca, president of the west side Columbus Park Association, and Dr. Jamson S. Lwebuga-Mukasa presented the information. The west[...]

Posted 13 years ago

Sep 12


Jim Heaney talks newspaper paywalls

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WBEN Radio 930 interviewed the iPost editor Wednesday about the economics of the newspaper industry as The Buffalo News prepares to start charging for online content.

Posted 13 years ago

Sep 11


Big banks blew it

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Some 800,000 homeowners missed out on money-saving mortgage modifications due to the failings of large lending institutions. A report by ProPublica.

Posted 13 years ago

Sep 11


Lackawanna incinerator under study

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The state Department of Environmental Conservation has launched an investigation of the Lackawanna Incinerator Site on South Park Avenue that has already been noted to have high levels of lead and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, both carcinogens. The DEC will determine the nature and extent of contamination to the soil, surface water and groundwater on the 1.57-acre property, as well as: Identify sources of contamination. Assess the impact any contamination is having on public health and the environment. Provide information on proposed remedies. According to a DEC fact sheet, the City of Lackawanna owns the property and uses it for its[...]

Posted 13 years ago

Sep 10


New boutique hotel downtown

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Developer Rocco Termini is teaming with the owner of the Pearl Street Grill & Brewery to convert the Webb Lofts from apartments to a hotel to accommodate the restaurant’s booming banquet business.

Posted 13 years ago

Sep 10


Updating $1 billion economic aid package

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Regional Economic Development Council on Monday outlined progress in putting Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s pledge into action. Six targeted industry sectors and public initiatives have been identified, and over next two months the council will establish a five-year blueprint and select three to five “signature” projects that will be implemented next year.

Posted 13 years ago
Investigative Post