Jun 13
Jun 13
Jun 12
Jun 12
A proposed bill by Common Council Majority Leader Demone Smith would prohibit employers from requiring job seekers to disclose any criminal convictions on their application. Buffalo would stand alone among cities, towns or villages statewide in limiting the ability of private employers to make the inquiry. Employers would, however, be able to obtain the information as the application process moves forward.
Jun 10
Jim Heaney and The Rev. Darius Pridgen talk street violence, dysfunctional families, City Hall politics and mayoral aspirations.
Jun 10
Buffalo’s investigative reporting center is accepting applications for a senior investigative reporter and editor, an environmental reporter and a fund-raising and community outreach coordinator.
Jun 10
Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney interviewed The Rev. Darius Pridgen, Ellicott District Council Member, on the problems of the inner-city and city government. Pridgen in the interview, which aired on WGRZ’s Daybreak Sunday, said: While statistics indicate crime is down, his experience tells him violence remains prevalent, much of it perpetrated by gangs and looser alliances of teens and young adults. The social fabric of much of the East Side is in tatters, due in part to irresponsible parents. He advocates a “Parent’s Court” to hold adults accountable. Despite speculation to the contrary, the Council’s appointment of Chris Scanlon to[...]
Jun 9
Jun 6