
May 31


The rap (sheet) on the Common Council

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Brian Davis’s plea to federal corruption charges Tuesday comes as no surprise. Neither does the Common Council’s appointment of a bartender to fill Mickey Kearn’s vacant seat. Such is the state of the Common Council. Jimmy Griffin used to call them the “Comical Council” back in the day and yes, they used to bicker a lot. But once upon a time, the Common Council had a core of stellar lawmakers—think Gene Fahey, Jim Pitts, and Dave Rutecki, among others, followed in later years by the likes of Brian Higgins and Kevin Helfer—who attempted to deal with serious issues and function[...]

Posted 13 years ago

May 30


Heaney analysis of Davis guilty plea

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Plea by former Common Council Member Brian Davis of pocketing federal funds is part of a pattern of misconduct, Jim Heaney says in WGRZ interview

Posted 13 years ago

May 27


Conversatives at the public trough

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Matt Spina of The Buffalo News reports that most leaders in the local Conservative Party, while preaching limited government spending, have managed to land themselves a job on the public payroll.

Posted 13 years ago

May 27


Interview: Brian Higgins

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Investigative Post editor Jim Heaney interviewed Congressman Brian Higgins about a series of issues. Higgins in the interview, which aired on WGRZ’s Daybreak Sunday: Explains his advocacy of developing the Outer Harbor into a park, but in a departure from previous comments, sounds receptive to some commercial development. “There clearly is an opportunity for mixed-use development,” he said. Maintains the construction of a new Peace Bridge plaza will help reduce exhaust that is causing respiratory health problems on the lower West Side and that a scientific study to determine the impacts, if not done already, should be conducted. “There clearly[...]

Posted 13 years ago

May 24


A flawed, compromised study?

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A report released last week to much press fanfare concluded hydrofracking is becoming less environmentally damaging. But the report, issued by U.B.’s Shale Resources and Society Institute, is rife with serious factual errors and its authors have close ties to the natural gas industry, according to an analysis by a public interest research group.

Posted 13 years ago

May 23


Thompson passes on Senate bid

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Antoine Thompson said he wanted to avoid a “bitter race” against incumbent Tim Kennedy. Perhaps. Or did he conclude he lacked the political base to score an upset. Rgardless, Thompson has probably earned some good will within the Democratic ranks.

Posted 13 years ago
Investigative Post