
May 23


Making the case for more than a park

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The Outer Harbor represents Buffalo’s opportunity to get something big right. And what an opportunity it presents. Lake Erie out front. Downtown out back. Just a few miles from a busy international crossing. Is there another city in the nation that has such a prime piece of undeveloped real estate? There’s a push on to redevelop 120 acres of the Outer Harbor into a park. What’s not to love about a park? Well, in this case, several things, if all that’s developed is a park. Consider: Our winters pretty much assure that a stand-alone waterfront park would go largely unused[...]

Posted 13 years ago

May 23


Candid interview on Cuomo

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Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr., the last of the Four Amigos, has choice words for the governor, including “very conniving,” in an animated interview with Tom Precious of The Buffalo News. 

Posted 13 years ago

May 21


Rochester D&C calls out Cuomo

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“For the sake of accountability, the success of future legislation, and the respect of voters who backed the governor’s calls for reform, he must shed his penchant for backroom deal-making” the paper says in an editorial.

Posted 13 years ago

May 20


Interview: Robert Bennett

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Jim Heaney of Investigative Post interviews Robert Bennett, state Regent for Western New York, on a range of education issues. Bennett in the interview: Takes issue with Phil Rumore’s characterization of the dispute between the Buffalo Teachers Federation and the state Department of Education over teacher evaluations. Bennett said the evaluations are mandated by state law and there is no room for negotiation. He also said union concerns about the impact of low-performing students with high absentee rates on teacher evaluations are overblown and that standardized test scores account for only 2 out of 100 points on the evaluations. Contended[...]

Posted 13 years ago
Investigative Post