May 11
May 11
May 9
May 9
Lee Coppola, whose career has included stints as an investigative reporter, journalism school dean and federal prosecutor, has been elected president of the board of Investigative Post. “Lee has been a practitioner and champion of investigative reporting his entire career. I’m very excited to have someone with his depth and breadth of experience leading our board,” said Jim Heaney, editor and executive director of Investigative Post, a non-profit investigative reporting center focused on issues of concern to Buffalo and Western New York. “Being elected president of the board of directors is an honor I will try to uphold by helping[...]
May 8
May 8
Buffalo’s demo blitz has claimed some salvageable houses and left many inner-city neighborhoods peppered with vacant lots. City Hall has no strategy to revitalize neighborhoods once the wrecking crew is through. A Buffalo News investigation.
May 7
City Hall has spent $73 million the past 12 years to demo nearly 6,000 houses. Much of that money has gone to firms with checkered backgrounds. A Buffalo News investigation.
May 7
May 7
When Albert Steele Jr. got tired of running from the cops – and breaking out of jail – he went into the demolition business. He’s now the city’s largest demo contractor. A Buffalo News investigation.