
Apr 17


Online journalism coming of age

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The Pulitzer Prize is the measure by which excellence in journalism is measured. Until recently, newspapers won by default. There was no alternative (with apologies to the Emmy Awards). But in recent years, entrepreneurs have established online-only news publications. There are for profits, including Politico, Talking Points Memo and, of course, Huffington Post. There are even more non-profit investigative reporting centers, lead by ProPublica, the Center for Investigative Reporting and its affiliated California Watch, and regional centers including Voice of San Diego and MinnPost, headed by former Courier-Express editor Joel Kramer. These young pups are proving capable of going toe-to-toe[...]

Posted 13 years ago

Apr 17


Thin skinned in Albany

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Liz Benjamin is a must-read political blogger who plays it straight down the middle. That didn’t stop Gov. Cuomo’s staff from compiling a list of grievances to present her boss. The episode, according to the New York Times, “showed a defining characteristic of this administration: few perceived slights are too minor to dispute.”

Posted 13 years ago

Apr 16


When ‘flip’ doesn’t ‘flop’

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NY Times magazine story examines the political repercussions for Sen. Mark Grisanti and three other Republicans who voted for gay marriage and concludes their stance doesn’t carry “the risk it would have been just a couple of years ago. The four defectors aren’t guaranteed re-election. But if they lose, it is likely to be in spite of their marriage vote, not because of it”

Posted 13 years ago

Apr 15


Taxing questions regarding the Bills

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The key study isn’t done, and negotiations have yet to start in earnest, but it’s not too early to start posing questions about who should pay for what to keep the Bills in Buffalo. The teams’ lease on Ralph Wilson Stadium expires in July 2013 season and a story in The Buffalo News on Sunday reports that sources are saying the cost of renovating the facility will run north of $200 million. Given the cost of upgrading the home of the Green Bay Packers and Kansas City Chiefs ran $295 million and $400 million respectively, that seems like a safe,[...]

Posted 13 years ago

Apr 15


Threats to an open internet

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Google co-founder Sergey Brin warns of “very powerful forces that have lined up against the open internet on all sides and around the world. I am more worried than I have been in the past … it’s scary.”

Posted 13 years ago
Investigative Post