
Apr 6


Weekend News Cafe: Hydrofracking, muckraking & rock ‘n’ roll

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A muckraking columnist Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times is both thoughtful and provocative. Consider two recent columns. First, his take on a couple of studies of all the chemical junk fed to the animals that are the source of our meat. My topic today is a pair of new scientific studies suggesting that poultry on factory farms are routinely fed caffeine, active ingredients of Tylenol and Benadryl, banned antibiotics and even arsenic …  To me, this underscores the pitfalls of industrial farming. When I was growing up on our hopelessly inefficient family farm, we didn’t routinely drug animals.[...]

Posted 13 years ago

Apr 5


Lessons for Buffalo from a boomtown

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Buffalo is not Austin, Texas, and never will be. They bake. We freeze. They have Lance Armstrong. We had OJ. They don’t pay state income taxes. We do. Oh boy, do we. But I’ve come away from two visits to Austin since last summer thinking there are lessons to be learned. The Texas capital is booming. Austin proper added some 160,000 residents between 2001 and 2010, up 20 percent. Only one major metro area grew at a faster pace. The region also added jobs at a faster rate than any major metro area in the nation over the past eight[...]

Posted 13 years ago

Apr 4


Pretty good pay for a part-time job

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At $79,500, New York legislators are the third-highest-paid state lawmakers in the nation. And then there’s the stipends and per diems they pay themselves. The Albany Times Union has the details.

Posted 13 years ago

Apr 3


Urban Wasteland

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Central Park Plaza opened in 1958, started going downhill in the 1980s and shuttered the last of its stores last summer. City inspectors repeatedly cited the plaza for violations, triggering a state probe and a subsequent agreement by its owners to sell the 27 acre parcel east of Amherst and Main streets. Blight in the plaza and adjacent neighborhood feed off each other, as this Investigative Post photo essay shows.

Posted 13 years ago
Investigative Post