
Apr 3


Pork by another name

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Buffalo and Grand Island schools get a slice of pork, called ‘”bullet aid” in the new state budget. Gov. Cuomo and legislative leaders insist there’s no pork in the budget, but $30 million is school aid is assigned in a manner very similar to member earmarks under previous administrations.

Posted 13 years ago

Apr 2


Older but wiser, or at least better educated

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After a couple of editions about political contributions, we decided to mix things up a bit, so Joe Friday this week deals with the change in population characteristics in the Buffalo-Niagara Falls metropolitan area between 2000 and 2010, according to the Census. Two trends jump out: The drop off in population is most pronounced among school-aged children and there’s a dramatic increase in the number of college graduates. Here are the facts: Population as a whole is down 34,402, or 3 percent, We’re still over 1 million, at 1,135,509. We’re older, with median age climbing from 38 to 40.6. Why[...]

Posted 13 years ago

Mar 30


Weekend News Cafe

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Toles the blogger You call know Tom Toles the editorial cartoonist. Tom, a member of the Investigative Post board of directors, also blogs for the Washington Post. Which is to say, he’s a busy guy. Tom’s blog post on Friday takes on what he sees as the right wing’s end game. The time bomb is about to go off. Over the years the conservative movement has generated a whirlwind of wacky, but it has had its ruthless sober side as well. That ruthless sober side has had a plan. Actually the plan has more or less been complete for some[...]

Posted 13 years ago

Mar 29


Super PAC rule breaking, self dealing

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ProPublica investigation raises “the specter that groups may be working together in ways that violate the rules, campaign finance experts said. We also found instances in which overseers of some political action committees directed hefty fees to their own companies, a legal form of self-dealing.”

Posted 13 years ago
Investigative Post