Categories for News

Mar 28


Tonawanda Coke: Guilty as charged

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In only the second prosecution of its type in the nation, Tonawanda Coke and one of its managers is found guilty on most charges involving the release of toxic pollutants into a neighborhood that is suffering from high cancer rates. A report from WGRZ, including Dan Telvock of Investigative Post.

Posted 12 years ago

Mar 22


Buffalo Bills luxury suite for politicians

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Gov. Cuomo’s administration gets a luxury suite at Buffalo Bills games in the deal to renovate Ralph Wilson Stadium for $130 million—three-quarters of which is state and Erie County funding. Empire State Development Corporation, a state economic development authority,  will control the suite “to show off Buffalo.”  A report in The New York Times.

Posted 12 years ago

Mar 12


Buffalo doctor made big money from drug companies

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Dr. Sanjay Gupta made more than $500,000 from drug companies since 2009, according to a ProPublica database. He is a consulting psychiatrist at GreenField Health and Rehabilitation Center, according to his Linkedin account. This puts him in the top 22 of all doctors nationwide.

Posted 12 years ago

Mar 12


New York hydrofracking decision soon?

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Health Commissioner Shah says he could have a decision to the governor in a few weeks on whether to allow hydraulic fracturing. Neither the governor nor Shah said they need to wait for the results of a study that will look at health histories of scores of people living near natural gas wells.

Posted 12 years ago

Feb 20


Peace Bridge duty free operators big political donors

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The Florida-based owners of the duty free store on the Buffalo side of the Peace Bridge are big-time operators with more than 100 stores here and abroad. They’re also big-time donors to politicians in both the United States and Israel with contributions approaching $1.8 million, although none of the money has funneled into Western New York. Their company, Duty Free Americas, stands to potentially profit by an expansion of the Peace Bridge plaza on the Buffalo side. The expansion would likely require the duty free store to relocate, presumably into bigger, better and more profitable quarters on the Episcopal Church Home campus[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Feb 8


Concerns over City Hall spending

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Investigative Post and WGRZ team up to report on Buffalo Comptroller Mark Schroeder’s concern, and Mayor Byron Brown’s response, over the continuing use of reserve funds to balance the city budget.

Posted 12 years ago

Feb 5


Buffalonians getting stuck in traffic more often

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You know this: Buffalo-area commuters are stuck in traffic a lot less than their counterparts in many other large cities. What you probably don’t know: Buffalonians are sitting in traffic a lot longer than they used to. The 2012 Urban Mobility Report issued by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute considered traffic congestion in the nation’s 101 largest metropolitan areas. The report includes slews of tables from which we gleaned a few highlights, Buffalo-area motorists spent an average of 33 hours in traffic due to congestion, ranking the region No. 45. The average in comparable large metro areas is 37 hours.[...]

Posted 12 years ago
Investigative Post