Categories for Q & A

Jul 16


Interview: Allison Duwe of Coalition for Economic Justice

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Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney interviewed Allison Duwe, Executive Director of the Coalition for Economic Justice, on the plight of the 99%, corporate subsidies, and the aversion of local politicians to progressive policies. Duwe, in the interview that aired on WGRZ’s Sunday Daybreak, said: Western New York’s economic problems stem in part to too many residents working low-wage jobs and a concentration of the poor in the City of Buffalo. Adults, rather than teenagers, hold five of six minimum wage jobs. Economic subsidies across the state total about $3 billion a year and produce meager results. Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s $1 billion initiative[...]

Posted 13 years ago

Jul 8


Interview: Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster

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Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney interviewed Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster on the impact of the Wallenda Walk, the numerous challenges faced by Niagara Falls, and how the standoff between state and Seneca Nation officials is costing the city money that would otherwise be helping to promote economic development. Dyster, in the interview that aired on WGRZ’s Daybreak Sunday, said: The city is studying statistics on television and web viewership of the Wallenda walk to determine where to focus marketing efforts to attract tourists and investors to Niagara Falls. Significant headway has been made to clean up corruption that has[...]

Posted 13 years ago

Jul 1


Interview: IDA chief Jim Allen

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Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney interviewed Jim Allen, Executive Director of the Amherst Industrial Development Agency, on the state of the regional economy and some of the controversial projects that have been subsidized of late by local IDA’s. Allen, in the interview that aired on WGRZ’s Daybreak Sunday, said: The state is much better off focusing $1 billion in aid pledged by Gov. Andrew Cuomo to promote entrepreneurship and nurture a creative class in Western New York than on trying to lure manufacturers and other large companies to the region. The regional economy is more diversified and otherwise in better[...]

Posted 13 years ago

Jun 24


Interview: Len Lenihan

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Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney interviewed Len Lenihan, chairman of the Erie County Democratic Committee, on a range of issues, including his plans to seek another term. Lenihan, in the interview, which aired on WGRZ’s Daybreak Sunday, said: He and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who is seeking Lenihan’s removal at the behest of Mayor Byron Brown, have not spoken directly in about a year. He is unwilling to declare, one way or the other, his intentions to seek another two-year term as head of the county party. The enrollment edge enjoyed by Democrats in the Senate district represented by Republican Mark Grisanti[...]

Posted 13 years ago

Jun 17


Interview: County Executive Mark Poloncarz

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Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney interviewed Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz on a range of issues, starting with lease negotiations with the Buffalo Bills. Poloncarz in the interview, which aired on WGRZ’s Daybreak Sunday, said: Poloncarz in the interview: Said he hopes the county and Bills have a framework of an agreement in place by the start of training camp next month. Details which services he has restored since taking over as County Executive including rodent control and the county parks. Discusses the need to reach across the border to encourage Canadian companies to expand to the Western New York area.[...]

Posted 13 years ago

Jun 10


Interview: Rev. Darius Pridgen

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Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney interviewed The Rev. Darius Pridgen, Ellicott District Council Member, on the problems of the inner-city and city government. Pridgen in the interview, which aired on WGRZ’s Daybreak Sunday, said: While statistics indicate crime is down, his experience tells him violence remains prevalent, much of it perpetrated by gangs and looser alliances of teens and young adults. The social fabric of much of the East Side is in tatters, due in part to irresponsible parents. He advocates a “Parent’s Court” to hold adults accountable. Despite speculation to the contrary, the Council’s appointment of Chris Scanlon to[...]

Posted 13 years ago

Jun 3


Interview: DA Frank Sedita

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Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney interviewed Erie County District Attorney Frank A. Sedita III about the trial of Dr. James Corasanti and a number of other issues. Sedita in the interview, which aired on WGRZ’s Daybreak Sunday, said: He has no regrets about the way his office prosecuted the Corasanti case, which resulted in the doctor’s acquittal on all felony charges related to the death of Alexandria Rice. His office’s track record of obtaining guilty pleas or convictions in 97 percent of felony cases shows the system works. A growing number of felony cases are settled through plea bargaining prior[...]

Posted 13 years ago

May 27


Interview: Brian Higgins

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Investigative Post editor Jim Heaney interviewed Congressman Brian Higgins about a series of issues. Higgins in the interview, which aired on WGRZ’s Daybreak Sunday: Explains his advocacy of developing the Outer Harbor into a park, but in a departure from previous comments, sounds receptive to some commercial development. “There clearly is an opportunity for mixed-use development,” he said. Maintains the construction of a new Peace Bridge plaza will help reduce exhaust that is causing respiratory health problems on the lower West Side and that a scientific study to determine the impacts, if not done already, should be conducted. “There clearly[...]

Posted 13 years ago
Investigative Post