68 Search Results for

Dec 21


Poor leadership on display in stadium talks

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It looks like Buffalo is going to keep its losing streak intact when it comes to major planning decisions. You know the history.  Expanding the University at Buffalo campus in Amherst is the mother of bad planning decisions. Add to the list running the Scajaquada Expressway through the middle of Delaware Park and dividing the East Side, and its majestic Humboldt Parkway, with the Kensington Expressway. The Skyway, anyone? And, of course, building a football stadium in Orchard Park. We’re about to see history repeat itself with Gov. Kathy Hochul’s announcement Monday that she’s good with replacing the stadium in[...]

Posted 3 years ago

Aug 2


Popular waterways contaminated by bacteria 

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E. coli is a nasty waterborne bacteria that can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Authorities close beaches when levels exceed safety limits. But they’re doing next to nothing about unsafe readings in other local waterways. There’s a particular problem with the Black Rock Canal, popular with fishermen, the occasional swimmer and, most notably, the West Side Rowing Club and high school and college crew teams. E. coli readings consistently exceed safe limits — by up to 14 times — established by the federal government. “There are people coming in contact with water with E. coli from human feces every single day,”[...]

Posted 4 years ago

Jan 1


Probe into cop drowning voted top story of ’18

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An investigation by Daniela Porat that documented how Buffalo police put diver Craig Lehner in harm’s way was voted by readers as Investigative Post’s best story of 2018. Porat’s deeply researched story reported that Lehner, who drowned during a training exercise in October 2017, was not sufficiently trained and equipped to handle the swift currents of the Niagara River. Wrote Porat: “Trainees for swift water diving elsewhere typically start out in water moving somewhere between 1 and 4 knots, or under 5 miles per hour. But the Niagara River on the day Lehner trained – and drowned – was moving[...]

Posted 6 years ago

Mar 26


Telvock leaves Investigative Post

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Award-winning environmental reporter Dan Telvock has left Investigative Post. Telvock, perhaps best known for his reporting on the polluted Scajaquada Creek and lead-poisoning among inner-city children, is joining WIVB, Channel 4, as investigative producer. “Dan was the first reporter I hired after I started Investigative Post and he’s been a big reason for our success,” said Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney. “He’s won more than his share of journalism awards, but more importantly, his reporting had a huge impact in the community.” Said Telvock: “My six years at Investigative Post are among the most memorable and rewarding of my 18-year career.[...]

Posted 7 years ago

Jan 6


Police misconduct voted top story of ’17

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Readers have voted Daniela Porat’s story about misconduct by Buffalo police as Investigative Post’s best story of 2017. Buffalo police who cross the line, published and broadcast Sept. 20, documented how the department’s Strike Force and Housing Unit conduct illegal searches and sometimes submit dubious testimony. Defense attorneys described some officers as “vigilantes” with a “cowboy mentality.” Reported Porat: “I think they have a complete disregard for the Constitution of the United States, and most importantly, the Fourth Amendment,” said Michael Stachowski, a Buffalo defense attorney. “They just seem to roust kids in the street, chase people, and hope they[...]

Posted 7 years ago

Dec 19


Vote for best Investigative Post story of 2017

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Investigative Post produced another bumper crop of hard-hitting stories in 2017. The best ones? We’ll leave that up to you readers to decide. Dan Telvock continued his relentless coverage of lead poisoning in Buffalo’s inner-city, radioactive contamination in Niagara County and pollution along Scajaquada Creek. Charlotte Keith exposed yet more wrongdoing and broken promises involving the Buffalo Billion. Daniela Porat documented abuse and other shortcomings in the Buffalo Police Department. Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney selected 10 stories for consideration as the best of 2017. They include, in no particular order: Entrepreneurs take state grants and flee WNY (43North) Buffalo[...]

Posted 7 years ago

Nov 21


Sewage inundating Buffalo waterways

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Kevin Koone comes up empty at his favorite fishing hole on the Buffalo River whenever he catches a whiff of raw sewage. “When it’s real strong, the fish don’t bite. It just ruins the fishing down here,” he said in August, while fishing at Mutual Riverfront Park at the foot of Hamburg Street in South Buffalo. The source of the stench: The 255 million gallons of sewage and stormwater runoff that flow into the river upstream every year. Sewage discharges this summer that discolored the Niagara Gorge caused an outcry, but fouled waters are an even bigger problem in Buffalo.[...]

Posted 7 years ago

Oct 5


The DEC’s puzzling fixation on Falls overflows

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The Niagara Falls Water Board is once again in the crosshairs of the state Department of Environmental Conversation for sewer overflows – a problem that plagues communities across the state. The Water Board reported three separate sewer overflows to the DEC on Wednesday. A total of 23.8 million gallons of untreated sewage mixed with dirty stormwater gushed into the Lower Niagara Gorge following a rainstorm. “These continued violations are wholly unacceptable,” the DEC said in a press release. Water Board officials said the rain overtaxed its sewer system, spewing raw sewage and stormwater into the river. Problem is, this happens[...]

Posted 7 years ago