68 Search Results for

May 23


Spree magazine honors Investigative Post

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Journalists normally cringe at being lauded as activists, but Buffalo Spree magazine has bestowed such an honor on us and we’ll take it. Western New York’s monthly magazine announced its “Best Of” awards last week and Investigative Post was selected “Best Activist Group” in a vote of readers. Here’s what Spree has to say about us: IP is technically a group of journalists, but its topics are carefully chosen, including, most recently, lead poisoning, local water pollution, and toxic landfills. Clearly, the writers for the Post are interested in drawing public attention to issues that could work against the public[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Apr 18


iPost, WGRZ win prestigious Murrow award

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A team project by Investigative Post and WGRZ broadcast last year about Buffalo’s failure to solve most of its murder cases has won the Edward R. Murrow Award for investigative reporting. The project was selected as the best investigative work broadcast in small television markets in the New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey region by the Radio-Television Digital News Association. The stories were reported by Jim Heaney, Investigative Post’s editor, and Steve Brown, investigative reporter with WGRZ. Video was shot and edited by Andy DeSantis and Bob Mancuso. Their work is under consideration for the Murrow national award, which will be announced in June. The[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Apr 5


Dan Telvock talks sewer overflows on WBFO

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On WBFO’s Press Pass, Investigative Post’s Dan Telvock discusses his reporting on the region’s sewer overflows and how they impact Scajaquada Creek and other waterways.

Posted 9 years ago

Mar 28


Cut to U.S. clean water funds could hurt WNY

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The House and Senate budget proposal includes a large cut in clean water funding that could threaten dozens of sewer repair projects in Western New York. Senator Charles Schumer visited Buffalo on Monday to urge Congress to reject the budget proposal to cut 30 percent, or $414 million, from the national Clean Water State Revolving Fund. States tap into this fund to offset the costs of sewer infrastructure improvements. Projects to stem overflows into the Buffalo River, Scajaquada Creek and other local waterways could be at risk, he said. “We can’t afford such a cut to the Clean Water Act, which[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Jan 10


Investigation of landlord voted top story

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Dan Telvock’s investigation into the checkered history of one of the city’s biggest landlords was voted Investigative Post’s best story of 2015 by readers in an online poll that concluded Friday. The story revealed that Greenleaf & Company, which is working with City Hall and Buffalo State officials to build off-campus student housing, has a history of renting substandard apartments and not paying bills to contractors or taxes on time to the city, state and federal government. Four other stories garnered significant votes from 193 readers who participated in the online poll: Telvock’s story about ground contamination of land targeted for[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Dec 28


Our top stories of 2015

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We’re closing the books on our fourth year of muckraking, and a pretty good year it’s been. I’ll save the details for my annual “State of Investigative Post” that we’ll publish in February to mark our fourth anniversary. For right now I want to note stories that had particular impact in 2015 and ask you, our readers, viewers and listeners, to cast your vote for our best story of the year. In deciding what stories to pursue, we consider their potential for impact. As such, we don’t simply “drop the bomb,” so to speak, as in “write a big story[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Oct 22


Investigative Post partnering with WBFO

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Investigative Post has added WBFO, Buffalo’s NPR News station, to its growing roster of media partners. Investigative Post will produce in-depth stories and provide analysis on breaking news stories covered by WBFO. Investigative Post reporters will also appear on “Press Pass,” which features interviews with journalists from local media outlets. “Our partnership with WBFO adds an exciting dimension to our reporting. We’ve been producing stories for television, print and the web; our work for WBFO adds radio to the mix and makes us a complete multi-media outlet,” said Jim Heaney, editor and executive director of Investigative Post. WBFO News Director[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Oct 15


iPost launches event series, membership drive

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Investigative Post has launched a membership program that seeks community support for our award-winning watchdog journalism. A membership for 2016 not only provides Investigative Post with the resources it needs to continue producing hard-hitting, high-impact stories, but purchases a season pass to our “At Issue” event series that launches Oct. 26. “Talk is cheap. Investigative reporting isn’t. In fact, it’s the costliest, most time-consuming type of journalism there is,” said Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney. “We need the community’s support to continue to dig deep and report on the important issues that many other news outlets are passing on with[...]

Posted 9 years ago