Tag: Buffalo Billion

Sep 30


Minority workers get short shrift at Riverbend

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Buffalo’s African-American community is starving for jobs, while the ongoing construction of the SolarCity plant in South Buffalo is employing hundreds upon hundreds of construction workers. Yet state officials agreed to cut the project’s diversity hiring goal – included on state contracts to ensure minorities get a fair share of work – from 25 to 15 percent. [continuing-coverage]That’s lower than on other high-profile publicly funded projects, such as the Buffalo schools reconstruction program and the University at Buffalo Medical School. It’s also significantly lower than the 25 percent minority workforce goal that was stipulated in the sales agreement that transferred[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Sep 21


New York’s sleeping watchdogs

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U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara took on the role of investigating the Buffalo Billion after none of the watchdogs in state government would. I did a story last December that detailed the questionable circumstances surrounding the awarding of development contracts to LPCiminelli and McGuire Development and the lack of transparency involving the Buffalo Billion program. I made inquiries in January with the offices of both Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli to ask if either of them intended to follow up. I found no takers. Bharara’s office, meanwhile, took note and began issuing subpoenas over the summer, as detailed Friday[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Sep 20


Heaney analysis of Buffalo Billion probe

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Jim Heaney of Investigative Post, whose reporting foreshadowed the ongoing federal probe of developer contracts awarded under the Buffalo Billion program, took to the airwaves over the weekend of offer his take on U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara’s investigation. Heaney told Maryalice Demler of WGRZ Friday evening that the probe will almost certainly focus on Alain Kaloyeros, the Albany nanotech guru who is quarterbacking the Buffalo Billion program. Sunday, in an interview with Dave Debo of WBEN News Radio, 930 AM, Heaney covered a range of related issues, including the investigation, the state’s pay to play culture and the significance of[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Sep 18


Feds probing Buffalo Billion contracts

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(Updated Saturday at 3:05 p.m.) This is big. U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, who has tackled corruption in state government, is investigating the awarding of contracts under the Buffalo Billion program, The New York Post reports. “It’s a comprehensive look at the bidding process,” said one source, who also told The Post that several companies have been issued subpoenas. Meanwhile, The New York Daily News is reporting that the feds have subpoened records of the SUNY Polytechnic Institute, headed by Alain Kaloyeros, who is managing the Buffalo Billion program. The Daily News also reported SUNY has hired a criminal defense lawyer to represent[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Sep 17


Heaney joins Capitol Pressroom lineup

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Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney has joined the list of regular contributors to The Capitol Pressroom, heard daily on 20 public radio stations across Upstate New York. Heaney will field questions every other Thursday from Capitol Pressroom host Susan Arbetter. The program attracts about 100,000 listeners daily on outlets that include WBFO, 88.7 FM in Buffalo. “We are thrilled to have a journalist of Jim’s caliber appear regularly on the show. His commitment to investigative journalism will help further engage our savvy audience,” Arbetter said. Added Heaney: “The Capitol Pressroom attracts a large and influential audience that we’re eager to[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Sep 17


Heaney talks SolarCity on Capitol Pressroom

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The state’s investment of $750 million to build and equip a solar panel manufacturing plant for SolarCity is a high-risk, high-reward proposition, Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney told Susan Arbetter of The Capitol Pressroom on Thursday. Heaney noted the company’s sagging financial fortunes and continuing concerns in the investment community over SolarCity’s long-term prospects. He noted a recent story in an investment trade journal that concluded the plant is shaping up as a “white elephant.” Heaney also pointed out that SolarCity is on track to post record losses this year; the company finished the first half of this year $303 million[...]

Posted 9 years ago

Aug 31


Heaney talks ‘Billion with Capitol Pressroom

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Susan Arbetter of Capitol Pressroom interviewed Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney on Monday regarding transparency and the Buffalo Billion. The 9 minute, 19 second interview runs from 13:10 to 22:29. The Capitol Pressroom broadcasts on National Public Radio affiliates as well as non-profit community stations across New York State and is produced in association with WCNY, which is based in Syracuse.

Posted 10 years ago

Jul 28


State relents on Buffalo Billion records

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I interrupt the state’s incessant stonewalling of my efforts to use public records to track the Buffalo Billion program to report some progress. Cuomo administration officials, for more than a year, refused to release documents related to the selection of LPCiminelli to develop SolarCity’s sprawling plant in South Buffalo. The SUNY Research Foundation and the Fort Schuyler Management Corp. went to great lengths to thwart my efforts to obtain records under the state Freedom of Information Law, as I documented in December. Alain Kaloyeros and his associates at Fort Schuyler wouldn’t budge when the state Committee on Open Government issued[...]

Posted 10 years ago
Investigative Post