Tag: Environment

Nov 15


Perfect day to start recycling

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Today is the perfect day to start recycling if you haven’t already. Why? Because it is America Recycles Day. This morning, the Buffalo Recycling Alliance gave an award to the Community Charter School on Edison Avenue, which I mentioned in this article about the city school system’s challenges with boosting recycling in all of the schools. About 25 students were in attendance for the award and then there was an assembly on recycling at the school for all elementary students. There was a lot of excitement in the room as the students realized they were being recognized for recycling. “Not everyone[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Nov 7


Obama finally mentions global warming

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Although it only lasted about a second, the president finally mentioned global warming outside of the MTV interview he did last month. In his victory speech this morning after defeating Mitt Romney, Obama may have signaled that he’s going to end his silence on global warming during his second term. Here’s what he said early this morning in Chicago: “But despite all our differences, most of us share certain hopes for America’s future. We want our kids to grow up in a country where they have access to the best schools and the best teachers. A country that lives up[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Nov 6


Being more sustainable…

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Sustainability is the new big thing. Although it is a long-term approach, sustainability makes a clear connection with the environment, the economy and how we live in the world. What level of social responsibility do you take to live a more sustainable lifestyle? To see sustainability on a local level, check out this interview that Kristen Kaszubowski, the social media assistant for GrowWNY, did with  Aliesa Adelman, a sustainable design coordinator at Wendel Companies. One portion of the interview that struck me was when Kaszubowski asked how one could be more sustainable in their daily practices. Recycling is one way to live[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Nov 5


Recycling lessons from San Francisco

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San Francisco isn’t just a world champion in major league baseball. The City by the Bay’s recycling program is also world class. San Francisco has tripled its recycling rate since 1996 to about 78 percent. It’s one of the highest recycling rates in the nation and light years ahead of Buffalo’s, which fluctuates in the 12 to 16 percent range. How did San Francisco do it? Officials constantly educate the public and businesses, offer almost two dozen different recycling programs that are customized for each neighborhood district, and enforce the mandates in a way that could result in someone’s trash[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Oct 31


Sandy and the global warming connection

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Usually a hurricane loses intensity as it moves north over colder water — unless it’s the  “Frankenstorm.” Sandy’s getting a lot of media attention for its size and intensity, but not so much attention is being made to its connection to global warming. “This is a beyond-strange situation. It’s unprecedented and bizarre,” wrote The Weather Channel’s hurricane specialist Bryan Norcross on his Facebook page. The fact of the matter is that the Atlantic Ocean isn’t as cold as it used to be. The water is 5 degrees higher than average and that translates into stronger storms farther north. Warmer water[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Oct 26


The 800 pound gorilla: ultrafine particles

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Al Carlacci, the regional air pollutant control engineer for the state Department of Environmental Conservation, said he doesn’t need a meter or an air quality monitor to tell him that there’s some dirty air in the West Side near the Peace Bridge, where studies have shown high levels of asthma. “The more cars you have the more ultrafine particles you have,” he said during a presentation Wednesday night at the Niagara Street Library hosted by the Clean Air Coalition of Western New York. “The problem is what’s enough? “Any health person would tell you, and I am the same way, if[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Oct 18


Long draws laughter on hydrofracking comments

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U.S. Senate hopeful Wendy Long didn’t shy away from her strong support of hydrofracking during Wednesday night’s debate hosted by YNN at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs. In fact, she was quite bold about her opinions. The hydrofracking portion of the debate begins at about the 50:30 mark of the video on YNN’s website. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said drilling for natural gas presents a significant economic opportunity and can be a potential clean source of energy. However, she wants more study of the chemical concentrations used in hydrofracking and what, if any, health impacts they have. The senator said there[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Oct 15


EPA reports fire is out at Hillcrest Industries

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The EPA reports there are no detectable levels of volatile organic compounds near Hillcrest Industries in Attica, where a huge pile of unprocessed recyclable glass and plastic caught fire. The fire was officially extinguished Sunday, according to an EPA press release. Now, the EPA is reducing the size of the 40-foot, 50,000-ton pile into more manageable piles. The EPA will monitor the temperature of the pile until the material is either used or removed from the property. The fire was discovered in May after residents started reporting an odor coming from the property. The state Department of Environmental Conservation and the EPA have been working[...]

Posted 12 years ago
Investigative Post