Tag: Environment

Sep 16


‘Frack’-tured faculty at UB over shale gas study

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Charles F. Zukoski, the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs for University at Buffalo, this week called for a committee to review policies and practices for research, scholarships and publications in light of the controversy with the university’s Shale Research and Society Institute’s (SRSI) study on shale gas exploration. Artvoice also has some eye-opening documents in its investigation of the controversy. That SRSI study used data from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to show that instances of pollution related to hydrofracking declined 60 percent from 2008 to August 2011 because of regulation. Hydrofracking is the practice of[...]

Posted 12 years ago

Sep 11


Lackawanna incinerator under study

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The state Department of Environmental Conservation has launched an investigation of the Lackawanna Incinerator Site on South Park Avenue that has already been noted to have high levels of lead and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, both carcinogens. The DEC will determine the nature and extent of contamination to the soil, surface water and groundwater on the 1.57-acre property, as well as: Identify sources of contamination. Assess the impact any contamination is having on public health and the environment. Provide information on proposed remedies. According to a DEC fact sheet, the City of Lackawanna owns the property and uses it for its[...]

Posted 13 years ago

Sep 10


Introducing iPost’s green blog

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My boss Jim Heaney tells me it’s been well over a decade since a media outlet in Buffalo assigned a reporter full time to cover the environment, the job I was hired to do. So I guess I’m the living embodiment of  the adage “everything old is new again.” My assignment is covering environmental issues in Buffalo and Western New York. My work will include in-depth investigations, analysis, daily stories, blog posts and social media. I will be out in the community a lot, especially in the coming months to meet people and learn about what environmental challenges exist in[...]

Posted 13 years ago
Investigative Post