Tag: Politics

Apr 16


Failed bid to oust Paladino from school board

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Carl Paladino has survived a legal challenge that sought his removal from the Board of Education. Joan Simmons, a city resident upset with Paladino’s conduct on the board, petitioned state Education Commissioner John King in late November seeking Paladino’s removal just five months after taking office. “He has done nothing since July but create havoc, tension and animosity,” Simmons told Investigative Post earlier this week. “He is an unnecessary, destructive distraction to the board.” Paladino filed affidavits in December that contended Simmons’ petition lacked merit. King rejected the petition in a March 12 ruling that press outlets have not reported[...]

Posted 10 years ago

Mar 24


Sheldon Silver is no liberal

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He’s been protecting male lawmakers who sexually harass female employees for years. Now comes a report that the Assembly speaker has used his influence to thwart development that would have brought low-income residents to Silver’s neighborhood. A report from The New York Times.

Posted 11 years ago

Feb 24


Heaney talks Paladino with WBFO

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Investigative Post editor recaps his recent exposé on Carl Paladino’s double standard of criticizing Republicans who donate to Democrats while doing the same thing himself.

Posted 11 years ago

Feb 14


On the campaign trail with Donald Trump

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“Trump very badly wants to be taken seriously as a potential political candidate and not be written off as a man-boy who cried wolf. But, at the same time, he plainly has no interest in actually running for office,” reports BuzzFeed in an interesting profile.

Posted 11 years ago

Feb 12


Carl Paladino is a RINO

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RINO is a four-letter word to Carl Paladino. It’s short for “Republican In Name Only.” Paladino dismisses many mainstream Republicans as RINOs for failing to subscribe to his Tea Party-flavored politics, committing the sin of compromising with Democrats or contributing to their campaigns. Republicans donating to Democrats is supposedly so repugnant to Paladino that he organized a protest outside a fundraiser Dec. 16 that was co-hosted by GOP heavy hitters to benefit Congressman Brian Higgins. Paladino held a sign for part of the demonstration that read: “No Funding For Dems.” The fundraiser put one of its organizers, Anthony Gioia, who has[...]

Posted 11 years ago

Jan 20


Heaney talks stonewalling with WBFO

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Investigative Post editor tells Eileen Buckley on Press Pass that government at all levels – local, state and federal – is becoming increasingly hostile to the public’s right to know. Heaney cites numerous examples of officials refusing interview requests and delaying the release of public records.

Posted 11 years ago

Jan 16


Big business donors oppose campaign reform

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Unshackle Upstate is a pro-business, anti-tax group funded by corporate interests, including the Buffalo Niagara Partnership. It opposes public financing of political campaigns despite the corrupt culture the present system has fostered. LittleSis crunched the numbers and found out Unshackle has donated nearly $2 million to state pols, including more than $160,000 to Gov. Cuomo.

Posted 11 years ago

Jan 11


Clinton presidential campaign HQ in Buffalo?

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Political operative/pundit James Carville has made a curious suggestion to Hillary Clinton if she opts to run for president: Locate her campaign headquarters in Buffalo. “Washington and the ways of Washington are going to be massively unpopular,” Carville wrote in The Hill. “The less Washington, the better.”

Posted 11 years ago
Investigative Post