Tag: State Government

Mar 22


Same as the Old Boss

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Ossified. Webster defines it as “hardened or conventional and opposed to change.” As in government in New York State. A cursory reading of the headlines might lead one to believe that governance in New York is starting to move in the right direction since Andrew Cuomo took up residence in the governor’s mansion. The state budget got passed on time, the income tax code was revised, gay marriage was approved. Indeed, by one measure—passing major legislation and spending packages—there has been progress. Paralysis has been eased. But the manner in which many key measures have been passed underscores just how[...]

Posted 13 years ago

Mar 20


New York ranks among more corrupt states

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State governments are susceptible to corruption, New York’s moreso than most, according to a new data-driven study done by the State Integrity Investigation. The study gave New York a “D” based on score of 65 out of 100. That ranked New York 36 out of 50 states. New York received a grade of “F” in four categories – state budgeting process, redistricting, ethics enforcement and pension fund management.  The Empire State received its best grades for internal auditing (B+) and lobbying disclosure (B-). Corruptions problems are across the nation, according to the report: The stories go on and on. Open[...]

Posted 13 years ago
Investigative Post